Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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DRESS [43]

Dress, Minoan, male (cont.)

— sash, 11. 35

— sheath or penistache, 11. 34, 35, 47, m.

444, 447, 448, 45°

— shoes, 11. 728

— sidelocks, 11. 33

— tunics, 11. 32 n. 3, 725, 744

— of acrobats, 11. 752

— of flute players, iv. 403

— of huntsman, ill. 120

— of priests, 1. 68, 683, 11. 770, iv. 215, 401,
404, 882

-------Syrian influence on, 1. 16, iv. 882

— of tumblers, iv. 502, 503

— of votaries, 11.339,742,111.461,^.401,882

— of warriors, in. 86, 87, 100
Egyptian, 11. 35, 75, 77, in. 104
of Ishtar, 1. 197, 198
of Resheph, ill. 478, IV. 401

Drill, tubular, use of on Neolithic stone vases,

n. 15, 31

-----------on bead-seals, iv. 93

Drip-ornament, on M.M. Ill pottery, n. 811

n. 1, iv. 638, 639
Droop, Prof. J. P., on L.M. lb pottery from

Aegisthos tomb at Mycenae, n. 487 n. 5
-------restoration of frescoes by, 1. 372 n. 1,

373 n. 1, 546 n. 3, in. 302 n. 2
-------translation of Dr. Xanthudides work by,

11. 36
Drop sign, following bent-arm sign on offertory

bowls from Apodoulou and Petsofa, iv. 657

-------on Vase Tablet, iv. 732

-------origin of, in rain pictograph, iv. 658

Drought, symbols of, on talismanic bead-seals,

iv. 446
Druce, Dr. G. Claridge, on water-lily motive on

cups from Knossos, 11. 463 n. 2
Drum, limestone, in Room of the Stone Drum

at Knossos, iv. 925, 926
Ducks, gold pendant, from Knossos, in. 412

— in Egyptian art, iv. 330

— in ceramic ornament, L.M. II, iv. 330, 334,


-----------L.M. Ilia, iv. 334

-----------L.M. III6, iv. 313

-----------Mycenaean, iv. 333

— on Minoan seals, in. 116, iv. 330 n. 2,491,588

— instantaneous sketch of three in contrasted

action, iv. 492


Ducks (cont.)

— vases shaped as, from Phylakopi, iv. 81
Duck-hunting, in Egyptian art, in. 115

— on inlaid dagger-blade from Mycenae, n. 361,
m. 114, 115

— on gold pendant from Aegina, iv. 175 n. 5
Duhn, Prof. Friedrich von, on relation between

Shaft Graves and tholoi at Mycenae, iv. 240
Dumps, gold and silver, precursors of coinage,
iv. 664

— silver, from Knossos, iv. 664

— gold, from Old Salamis, iv. 664
Dumuzi, see Thammuz
Durm, Prof., on Minoan column form, I. 343

nn. 3 and 4
Dussaud, Monsieur, on Diktaean Table, IV.

157 n- 3
Dyrrhachion, coins of, iv. 557 n. 3


Ea-bani, 1. 69, 356, 11. 28, in. 450, iv. 18, 459,

5°5 .

— on lapis-lazuli cylinder from Knossos, iv. 423
Eagle, on amethyst pendant from Knossos, in.

411 .

— on cylinder from Initiatory Area, iv. 424

— on talismanic gems, iv. 541
Ear, symbolic, in Minoan religious art, 11.

790 n. 2, in. 69, 152 n. 2
-------on gold signet from Vapheio tomb, n.

790 n. 2

-------on votive tablet from Psychro, in. 69

Ear-ring, silver, represented on Cup-bearer

fresco, 11. 706
Earth, sign of, on talismanic bead-seals, iv. 448,

Earth-goddess, see Goddess
Earthquakes, beliefs as to cause of, n. 324, 538

— religious reaction to, 11. 312-25, in. 12

— in Crete, a.d. 66, n. 213, iv. 673

----a.d. 251, 11. 313

----a.d. 375, 11. 313

----A.D. 1250, II. 313

----A.D. 1490,11. 313

----A.D. 1856, II. 315, 318

----A.D. 1875, II. 313

----A.D. 1926, II. 318, III. 50

----at Candia, iv. 989

-------A.D. 1304, 11. 321