Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Doves (cont.)

— on terra-cotta group of dancers from

Palaikastro, III. 73

— terra-cotta, on post of swing from Phaestos,

IV. 25, 26

— M.M. I vessel formed as, I. 146, 172, 173,

IV. 405

— on clay cylinders of domestic cult, iv. 406

— pendants shaped as, from Cyclades, iv. 407
-----------from Mochlos, 1. 102

— on seals and sealings, 1. 117, 11. 524, iv. 405,

459. 4-86

— on votive tablet from Psychro, 1. 683

— religious Minoan species identified with rock-

doves, iv. 405; their dusky plumage, ib.

— rock, descent of domestic pigeons from, IV. 411
-------indigenous in Crete, iv. 411

-------in hands of priestly figure, iv. 405, 406

— white, Palestinian, iv. 412 n. 1
Dove-cots, pottery, evolution of from snake-
tubes, iv. 165

Dovetailing, used for stone blocks lining floor

cists, 1. 453
Drachm signs in Linear Scripts, 1. 619
Drachmani, pottery from, I. 168
Drain (or water main), habitat of common
ring-snake, iv. 148

— at Knossos, see under Knossos

— at Phylakopi, II. 299 n. 4
Drain-pipes, Minoan, varieties of, iv. 143

-------section of, origin of snake-tubes, IV. 144

Draughtboards, Egyptian, 1. 473, 476, 477, 480,

iv. 522; deposited in tombs, 1. 485, 11. 47

— Minoan, from Enkomi, 1. 473, 476, 485 n. 4
-------from Knossos, 1. 170, 387, 388, 470-86,

iv. 24, 92, 522, 928
-------from Mycenae, 1. 430, 481-4, 486, 11. 47

— on E.M. Ill seals, 1. 124, 125,11. 47, iv. 521,

522 (potter playing draughts)

— religious connexion of, 1. 480

— Greek, 1. 476

— Roman (latrunculi), I. 476

— sign, Egyptian hieroglyphic, I. 125

-------parallel to E.M. signet, I. 125, 478, 479,


-------M.M. II imitation of, 1. 281

Draughtsmen, Egyptian predynastic, 1. 478

-------jackal-headed, I. 476

-------lion-headed, I. 476 n. 2

— Minoan, from Knossos, 1.302,387,388,477-9

Draughtsmen, Minoan (cont.)

-------on M.M. Ill ivory signet from Hagia

Triada, iv. 522
Dress, Minoan:

Anatolian influence on, IV. 197

Babylonian influence on, I. 15

Libyan influence on, 11. 33, iv. 34

Syrian influence on, 11. 33, 721, iv. 398, 399,

401, 882
embroideries on, 11. 307 n. 1, 732, 733, 766,

in. 37, 40, 42, 67
female, E.M., 11. 32, 33

— M.M., 1. 125, 153, 197, 276, 500-6, 546-8,
679-81, in. 94

— reflected in ideograms, IV. 700

— aprons, iv. 26 n. 3

— bodice, 11. 33 n. 4

— cap, peaked, in. 426

— cloak, 11. 33

— skirts, bell-shaped, M.M. I and II, iv. 27,
161, 162

-------flounced, M.M. la, 1. 197; Babylonian

influence visible, ib.; M.M. III-L.M. 1,11.

33. "J- 426> IV- 27

— stays, iv. 31, 32

— of dancers, in. 70, 72 n. 1, 371

— of Court ladies, I. 546-8, ill. 49, 52

— of performers in bull-sports, iv. 21

— of votaries, I. 500-6, 679-81, III. 70, 450

— of Goddess, n. 337, 724, in. 438, 470, iv.
28, 31, 32, 196, 197, 401, 402

-------male sheath and loin-clothing of, iv. 33

-------fashionable character of, 11. 767, iv. 27

-------Syrian influence on, iv. 402

— method of hair-dressing: fringe of curls,
in. 212, 520-24 (bronze)

male, E.M., 11. 34, 35

— M.M., 1. 153, 197, 679-81, 11. 235

— L.M., 11. 535, 705, 706, 721, 731, 739, 755

— apron, iv. 197

— belt, not worn by children, in. 446
-------letoutforolderpersons,m. 449,450,461

— cap (biretta), iv. 475

— gloves, IV. 387

— hat, in. 461

— kilt, 11. 734, 743, 744, 754, 755. iv- 569

— leggings, 11. 235, 781, in. 87

— Libyan sheath, iv. 34

— loin-clothing, n. 267, 750-2, in. 461 n. 6

— sandals, II. 728