Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Ox-heads, from House of the Sacrificed Oxen, II.

— on fresco fragment from Knossos, 11. 157

— weight, from Diktaean Cave, IV. 655

— sign, in Hittite hieroglyphic script, IV. 713

-------on bead-seal from Candia district, II.

835 n. S
Ox-wagon, painted terra-cotta, M.M. la, from

Palaikastro, 1. 224, n. 156, IV. 808
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum:

alabaster cup from El Kab in, 11. 57

four-sided bead-seal, with Cretan hiero-
glyphic inscriptions, presented by Mr.
Greville Chester to, IV. 667 n. 1

lion's head rhyton of alabaster (restored)
from Central Treasury, Knossos, 11. 830-1

painted amphora from N.W. Border, Knossos,
presented to Excavator by Cretan Govern-
ment, IV. 305 n. 3

-------from Little Palace, iv. 328 n. 1

— flask (Late Geometrical) from Milatos, IV.

predynastic ivories from Hierakonpolis in, II.

relief of bull-sports from Smyrna, ill. 229
signet-ring, in. 465
steatite cylinder from Hagia Paraskevi, Cyprus,

IV. 763
tin flask from Abydos, 11. 179
Oyster, thorny, see Shell

Pachyammos, cemetery at, jar burials in, I. 585

— burial jars from, M.M. Ill, 1. 126, 608, 609,

610,11. 185, 364, 424, 500, 507, 627, IV. 252

— clay larnakes from, 1. 126, 586, 11. 185
Paeonians, brewing of beer from millet by, iv.

Painted stucco, see Frescoes
Palaces, Age of in Crete, 11. 267, 667

— M.M. la, 1. 26, 127-48,11. 268

— M.M. II, 1. 206-9, 214, 215

— bays and projections in outer walls of, 11. 269

— and see Knossos, Mallia, Mycenae, Phaestos,

Palace sign, Egyptian, I. 358, 359, II. 55
-------Minoan, 1. 358, 359

Palaikastro, Port of E. Crete, n. 253, 508

— M.M. III-L.M. I town of, 11. 560, 561, 567

— evidence of destruction at in L.M. 1,11. 348,

in. 308

— House B at, 11. 567, 568, in. 353 n. 1

— Minoan sanctuary at, 11. 251 n. 2

— M.M. I ossuaries at, 1. 149

— Linear Script A used at, iv. 489 n. 3, 676

— bronze instrument, perhaps stilus, from, III.

13 n. 1
-------ewer from, 11. 632 n. 3

— cupped blocks from, iv. 980 n. 1

— ivory axe from, 1. 433

-------combs from, IV. 1005, 1006

-------figurines of boys from, in. 446

-------knot from, 1. 433

— pottery from, E.M. II, 1. 77, iv. 80
-------E.M. Ill, 1. 107, 112

-------M.M. I, 1. 29, 180, 185, 224, 11. 364, iv.

100, 405, 807, 808

— — M.M. II, 1. 242,11. 219 n. 1, iv. 119, 134
-------M.M. Ill, 1. 597, 605

-------L.M. la, 11. 476, 486, 537, iv. 364

-------L.M. lb, 11. 489, 510, iv. 284, 651 n. 1

— seals from, iv. 450, 500

— steatite bowl from, 11. 633 n. 1

-------cup from, 1. 631, 11. 438

-------cylinder from, 11. 503

— — double-axe stand from, iv 212

-------libation table from, 1. 630, 631, 636

-------vessel from, iv. 574

— stone base for double axe from, 1. 427 n. 4

— tablets inscribed in Linear Script A from,

11. 489 n. 3

— terra-cotta figure from, n. 13 n. 1

-------group of lyre player and dancers from,

11. 841 n. 3, in. 72, 73, 439 n. 2

-------model of ship from, 11. 240

Palanquin, use of in Minoan Crete, 11. 157, 577,

578, 772, 773

— miniature terra-cotta, from Knossos, I. 220,

224, 11. 157, 158

— on fresco from Knossos, 11. 158, 721, 770-3,

iv. 215, 396, 398, 594, 883
Palatine, see Rome
Palestine, date of dove cult in, iv. 411

— L.M. I pottery exported to, iv. 881

— silver bowl from, iv. 418

— terra-cotta doves from, iv. 391 n. 6
Palettes, marble, from Paros, 11. 44 n. 2