Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Ewers (cont.)

Faience (cont.)

— on L.M. Ill pottery, iv. 358

colours of, 1. 490

— on talismanic bead-seals, iv. 447

disks for inlaying, from Egypt, iv. 92

— and see Oenochoe

-------from Knossos, iv. 92, 940

Eye of charging bull on fresco relief from

-------from Mycenae, 1. 430, 481-4,11. 47 n. 3

Knossos, in. 174

-------from Tell-el-Amarna, 11. 47 n. 3, iv.

— of Horus, 11. 790


— painted on prow of ship, 1. 311

-------from Tell-el-Yahudiyeh, iv. 941

— sign, Linear Script B, in name groups, iv. 713

-------from Tylissos, 1. 482

-------Linear Script B, on steatite bead-seal

Egyptian origin of, 1. 488, II. 23, 54

from Candia district, 11. 835 n. 5

ewer, from Knossos, Central Treasury, 11. 655

— symbolic, 1. 706, III. 69, 152 n. 2

-------E. Temple Repository, 11. 633

-------in field of gold signet-ring with Boy-God,

-------Syria, 11. 655

11. 842

figurines, from Knossos, Temple Reposi-

-------on gold signet-ring from Isopata, 11. 790,

tories, 1. 318,11. 237, 288, 357, 744, in. 440,

in. 68

iv. 26 n. 3, 32, no, 177, 199, 465

-------on gold signet-ring from Vapheio Tomb,

-------S. Propylaeum, 1. 632, 11. 702

11. 790 n. 2 \y

fragments, from Knossos, House of the

— on gold bands from Mochlos, 1. 97

Sacrificed Oxen, 11. 310

'Eyes' (or loops) on bronze ewer from Knossos,

-------Room of the Throne, iv. 934

11. 645

fruit, from Temple Repository, 1. 498, 499

— on L.M. lb pottery, II. 645

hilt plate of cruciform sword from Mycenae,

iv. 852


horse's head cups from Enkomi, iv. 765

influenced by metal-work, iv. 780

Fable of Wild Goat and Dog, on M.M. Ill seal

inlays, Cretan, history of, 11. 732

from Arkhanes, iv. 509

— Egyptian, 11. 92

— animal, oriental character of, iv. 509

— from Knossos, 1. 516, 11. 88 n. 1, in. 408


-------M.M. Ill floor cist, 1. 452

E.M. II, 1. 85

-------Room of the Throne, 1. 485, iv. 92,

M.M. la, 1. 487, 11. 966, iv. 93


M.M. II, 1. 252, 11. 188 n. 1

-------Temple Repositories, 1. 452, 468, 469,

M.M. Ill, 1. 452, 468, 482, 490-4, 498-508,

471, 480-2, 498-508, 510-12, 521-3, in.

510-12, 521-3, 553, 11. 179 n. 9, 188, 476,


iv. 1013, 1014

-------E. Treasury, in. 399, 405, 409

L.M. I, iv. 534, 535

-------W. Magazines, 1. 318

analysis of, 1. 489, 490

-------Vat Room Deposit, 1. 487, n. 666, iv. 93

beads, from Almeria, 1. 492

— from Mycenae, 1. 430, 481-4, n. 47 n. 3

— from Britain, 1. 23

— from Phaestos, 11. 731

— from Crete, 11. 179

— from Tell-el-Amarna, iv. 940, 941

-------E.M. II, 1. 85

— from Tell-el-Yahudiyeh, iv. 941

-------M.M. Ill, 1. 490-4

— from Tylissos, 1. 482

— from Knossos, 1. 490-4, 11. 179 n. 9

invention of, by Tehenu of Delta, n. 53, 54

— from Mycenae, 1. 492

knots, 1. 47 n. 3, 440, 483, 11. 284

bead-seals from Melos, iv. 445

— from 4th Shaft Grave, Mycenae, 1. 430,

'blossom-bowl' from Knossos, House of the

43i. 483

Sacrificed Oxen, 11. 310

manufacture of, at Knossos, 1. 488-90

bull's head from E. Treasury, in. 434

mouthpiece of ostrich-egg rhyton from

chalice from Temple Repository, 1. 499, 11.

Mycenae, 1. 594, 11. 224


— of rhyton from Ashur, IV. 779, 780