Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Kouklia, stirrup vase from, 11. 136
Kouphonisi, crushed purple shells on, iv. 111


— pottery from, M.M., IV. in n. 5

— steatite button from, E.M. Ill, I. 113
Kouretes, m. 466, iv. 220
Kouroniotes, Professor, discoveries at Eleusis,

iv. 744
Kourtes, pottery from tombs at, II. 137
Kouskouras, II, 93, 103, 124, 294

— use of at Knossos, 11. 699, iv. 58
Krasi, tholos at, 11. 39 n. 4

— M.M. la jug from, iv. 676 n. 3
Kraters, see under Pottery
Kritsa valley, Minoan road through, 11. 63
Krotos village, 11. 83 n. 3
Kuban, alabaster figurine from, I. 48, 49
Kubbah, circular tomb at, 11. 39
Kugler, Professor, on date of accession of Ham-
murabi, iv. 54, 424, 425

Kumanudes, Mr., on silver rhyton from Mycenae,

ill. 89 n. 1
E.M. Ill, tholos ossuaries at, 1. 21, 75, 11. 36,

39, 81, 83 n. 3

-------lintels of, 11. 41, 42 n. 1, 43

-------gold toad from, in. 412, iv. 76

-------female figurine from, 11. 33

-------E.M. askoi from, iv. 80; bird-shaped, 1.


-------silver daggers from, I. 99, 100, II. 169

-------birds-head seals from, I. 95, IV. 486

-------snake cult at, vessels associated with, iv.

142 n. 1, 147, 158 n. 2, 163
-------steatite pyxis with shell inlay from, IV.

Kupn'i, identified by W. Max Miiller with
Byblos, II. 657 n. 2

— ships of, mentioned in annals of Thothmes

III, 11. 657 n. 2
Kurds, Armenoid physiognomy of, iv. 407 n. 1
Kurion, tomb 28 at, L.M. III6 goblets from,

Iv- 37°. 37i
-----------scarab of Rameses II's reign from, IV.

370. 371

— pair of L.M. la bronze hydrias from, 11. 504,

652, iv. 440, 456
Kurisches Haff, exportation of amber from to

Aegean, II. 174
Kushites, see Kasi


Kuyunzuk, see Nimrud

Kyanos, Egyptian source of, iv. 875 n. 1

— M.M. Ill use of, 1. 472, 473, 475 n. 1, 534
-------use of for crystal 'back-work', 1. 472, 475,

in. 109
-------use of in fresco-painting, I. 534, ill. 250,

iv. 875 n. 3, 97s
-------use of as inlay, 11. 595, 777, ill. 351, iv.

227, 228, 897

— on alabaster frieze in Men's Megaron at
Tiryns, II. 595, III. 351, IV. 227, 228

— on crystal inlays from Lustral Basin, 1. 472
-------from Room of the Throne, in. 109

— on gaming board from Knossos, 1. 473, 475

— in painting on rock ceiling of Temple Tomb
at Knossos, iv. 975

Kybele, connexion of with Minoan Goddess, in.
473, iv. 170 n. 2, 219

-------with Rhea, ill. 472

-------with Syrian Goddess, iv. 479

— cymbals of associated with Minoan Goddess,
iv. 219

— Metragyrts mendicant priests of, iv. 220

— mother of Attis, ill. 473

— and see Rhea
Kydonia, bead-seals from, in. 465 n. 5, iv. 466,

467> 5l8. 576, 610
Kylix, base of from well below M.M. Ilia

house at Knossos, m. 258
Kyllene, Mount, wooden statue of Hermes on,

in. 524
Kymation pattern, perhaps connected with

Minoan adder mark, iv. 192
Kypselos, chest of, 1. 311
Kythera, see Cerigo


'Labels', clay, from Hieroglyphic Deposit at

Knossos, 1. 280
Labranda, worship of Zeus at, ill. 479, iv. 46:

and see Zeus Labraundos
Labraundos, name of one of the Kouretes, iv.

Labrys, see Axe, double
Labyrinth, association of with Palace of Minos

a post-Minoan tradition, ill. 283

— as Knossian coin-type, I. 59

— at Gortyna, a limestone quarry, 1. 533

— derivation of from labrys, in. 283