Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Wild cat, see Cat

Wild duck, see Duck

Wild pea, see Vetch

Wilkin, Dr., on derivation of circles at Msila

from bee-hive graves, 11. 38
Willersdorf, primitive figurine from, 1. 45, IV.

Williams, Miss B. E., on snake sanctuary at

Gournia, IV. 143 n. 4
Willows on M.M. Ill sealings, IV. 491
Wind, S.E., in Crete, 11. 86, lit. 293
■■% S.W., in Spring, IV. 943

— South, 11. 86

Windows, Minoan construction of, 11. 409

- M.M. II, 1. 221, 303, 305, 307,11. 370

- M.M. Ill, 1. 332-4, 347-50, 352-5

— recessed, at Knossos, n. 376
-------at Mallia, 11. 377

-------on fresco from Mycenae, 11. 377

— use of coloured parchment for panes of,

in. 342

— openings resembling, above doors, in. 341

— on fresco from Mycenae, 1. 444, 445, 11. 377

— sign, in Linear Script A, 1. 639

— — as mason's mark, 11. 664 n. 1,1 v. 926

— scenes, on frescoes from Knossos, n. 603,

hi. 59, 60; Mainland, I. 444, 445, 11. 377,
469, in. 60, iv. 875
Wine, consumption of in L.M. period, iv. 628

— modern methods of preserving, in Crete, II.

Winged monsters, M.M. Ill, 1. 703-13
Wings as symbols of divinity, 1. 708
Winter, Dr., on Minoan Genii, iv. 431
Wolves' heads, on sealings from Temple

Repository, 1. 695
Woman sign in Linear Script A, iv. 700

-------in Linear Script B, iv. 668, 700, 707, 708

Women, Libyan, in male attire, 11. 35

— Minoan, position of, m. 58, 59, 227

-------partial segregation of, III. 296, 349, 350

-------performers in bull-sports, 11. 35, ill. 212

et seqq., 227

-------represented white in paintings, 11. 50

-------on frescoes:

-------— at windows, I. 444, 445, II. 377, 409,

602, 603, in. 59-61, iv. 875
-------— M.M. Ilia, 1. 525, 526, 544-8, 11.

333 n- h 354» 427. 680, 682, 734, 817, 818,

in. 50, 485, iv. 285, 518

Women, Minoan, on frescoes (cont.)

-----------M.M. 1116,11.602,731,111.38,49,50,51

-----------L.M. la, 1. 550, hi. 70, 71, 370, 371,

iv. 6

-----------Mycenaean, 11. 602, 730, 749, in. 60

-------at window on L.M. Ill bronze stand

from Old Paphos, II. 602
Wood, export of from Crete, 11. 247, 657

— lavish use of in M.M. 111,11.565

— shortage of in L.M. I, n. 518, 565

— use of in building, 1. 209, 213, 221, 228, 258,

261, 306, 325-8, 333-5, 341, 344, 347-50,
361, 368, 369, 401, 445,11. 7, 105, 281, 349,
370, 408, 414 n. 1, 461, 514, 604, 692,
804, 807, in. 92, 200, 287, 319, 324, IV.
1, 8, 968,970

— benches, on stylobate of Queen's Megaron

at Knossos, in. 368

— caskets covered with gold plates, from 5th

Shaft Grave, Mycenae, IV. 253

— coffins in Temple Tomb at Knossos, iv. 977

— dagger-hilt from Normanton, in. 119 n. 2

— horns of steatite bull rhyton from Knossos,

"• 527

— model of black soldiers from Siut, 11.756,757

— statues, size of, I v. 194

— — of Minoan Goddess in Great East Hall,

in. 522, 523, 525, iv. 612

— throne, from ante-room of Room of the

Throne, iv. 905

-------from Hall of the Double Axes, 1. 329,

m. 333-8, iv. 935

— imitated in stucco, I. 356, n. 444

-------in pottery, E.M. I, I. 59, 60

-----------M.M. Ill, 1. 579

Wool, vessel perhaps for holding skein of, 11. 308
Wroolley, Sir Leonard, discoveries at Ur, in.

259, iv. 811, 813

-------on objects from Serrin, 1. 49 n. 3

Ifr-bird, Egyptian cult of, 11. 28 n. 5
Wrestlers, on fresco relief from Knossos, n. 356,

585, hi. 497
Writing, see Script, Tablets


Xantho, lion and bull reliefs on tombs of, iv.

Xanthudides, Dr. S., discoveries at Chamaezi,

I. 147