Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Falkener, Edward; Belli, Onorio
A description of some important theatres and other remains in Crete: from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586 — London, 1854

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how this description of ancient and modern Candia, written by
Sig. Belli, physician and botanist, full of drawings of ancient
buildings and Greek inscriptions, makes my mouth water ! Is
it possible that in Italy, and particularly in Venice, which has
such relations with that island, good taste should so far have
perished that sufficient funds cannot be raised to defray the
expense of publication of a work of so much merit and
learning !" *

We are in some measure consoled for this loss by finding, in
the Ambrosiana, some of his letters addressed by him to his
friends in Vicenza, recounting to them some of the discoveries
he had made; which letters not only contained pretty full
accounts, but enclosed plans of the more perfect of the monu-
ments, and copies of several of the inscriptions ; and by finding
in the Marciana an abstract at some length, drawn up by Apos-
tolo Zeno,f which in the following paper is made to tie-in with
the Ambrosian documents, and the extracts from which are
designated by the signature (A. Z.)

* Baglioni, Lettere d'Euomini illustri del secolo xvn. Venez. 1744, p. 129.

f Apostolo Zeno, a well known ecclesiastic of Venice, was born in 1608,
and died in 1750. The MS. is wretchedly written, on an inferior description of
paper. The following is the order of places given, which will be found to be
from west to east:—Cydonia, Elyros, Cisamus, Aptera (Polyrrhenia,) Minoa
(Aptera,) Rhythymna, Lappa, Oaxus, Candia, Dia, Gnossus, Gortyna, Matalia,
Lyttus, Chersonesus, Histrona, Minoa, and Hierapytna.