Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

R. Friedländer und Sohn
Catalogue de livres relatifs à l'architecture, la sculpture, la peinture et la gravure (Katalog Nr. 211) — Berlin: R. Friedländer & Sohn, 1872

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211. Bücher-Verzeichniss.


Britton, J., The fine arts of the English School illustr. by Engravings from paintings,
sculpt. and archit. of eminent English Artists w. biograph. and descript. essays. Lond.
.. '" .. ' 9. —
roy. 4.
7. 10.
4. W. 5
— 25.
2 vols.
5. 20.
— 25.

-1812. 4. w. 24 beautif. engrav. (11 £ 11 sh.), hf. bd. morocco. large paper
- History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury. Lond. 4814.
w. 31 most beautif. engraved plates (5 £ 5 sh.) bd. ‘
- Restoration of the Church of St. Mary, Redcliffe near Bristol. Brist. 1842.
Bröndsted, P. 0., Voyages dans la Grece accompagnös de recherches archeolog.
Paris 1826—30. gr. in-4. av. 62 plchs. cart. non rognd.
- Merri. s. les Vases PanathOnaiques. Paris I833. 4. av. 6 plchs.
Brongniart et Riocreux, Description du Musöe Cöramique de la Manufact. de Porcelaine
de Sevres. Paris 1845. gr. in-4. av. atlas de 80 plchs. color. (40 Thlr.) 28. —
Broughton, Th. D., The costume, character, manners, domestic habits, and religious cere-
monies of the Mahrattas. Lond. 1813. 4. w. 10 col. plates (2 £ 8 sh.) calf, with Lands-
capes painted on the sides. 3. 20.
Bruin, N. de, Volatilium varii generis effigies in auri fabrorum gratiam aeri incisa. Antwerp.
1594. 8. 1 0 Blatt. — Sehr schöne u. seltene Folge, kräftige Drucke
Brumund u. van Hoevel, Heb. Alterthümer d.
Bert. 1865. gr. 8. m. 21 lith. Tfln. (2 Thlr
Brunet, G., Curiositüs Bibliograph, et artist. (I
Genevc, J. Gay, 1867. 8. (3’/g Thlr.)
BruniUS, C. G.. Gotlands Konsthistoria. 3 voll
Brunn, H., Geschichte d. griechischen Künstle
- üeber d. Alter d. äginet. Bildwerke (M
- Probl. in d. Gesch. d. Vasenmalerei. M
Bruyere, L., Etudes relat. ä l’art des Construc
ries etc.) Paris 1823. fol. av. 94 plchs. d.1
De Bry, J. Th., Vivae imagines partium cor]
desumptae. Francof. 1620. 4. c. 139 tabb.
- Newe Welt u. Americanische Historien
aller West-Ind. Landschafften, Insulen etc
Franckf. 1655. fol. m. vielen Kpfrt. von M.
Buchanan, P., Journey through the countries
the natural history, antiquities etc. 3 vols.
5 sh.) hf. calf.
Bucintoro di Venezia. — Le Bucentaure
in-fol. obl. av. plchs. grav. (12 fr.)
The Builder; an illustr. naagazine for the Arc
60 Jan. — March. 13 vols. in 12. Lond. 18
illustrations. (10 £} cloth.
Nrs. 593—658 in 1854—55 and some s
Bunyan, J.,The Pilgrim’s Progress, Illustr. ec
8. w. portr. and about 400 fine woodengn
12 sh.) morocco, gilt edges. Fine copy.
Burchell, W.J., Travels in the inferior of Sout
col. plates and map. (9 £ 9 sh.) bd.
Burger, W., Träsors d’art en Angleterre. Bruj
Burr, Sketches in Cairo, Jerusalem, Constanti
tif. plates, executed in colours, so as to r
roy. fol. in portfolio. (Publ. by subscriptio
Büsching, J. G., Wöchentl. Nachrichten f. Fr
telalters. 4 Bde. Bresl. 1817—21. 8. m. 2!
- D. Schloss d. deutschen Ritter zu Marie
in-fol. (4 Thlr.)
Byres, J., Etrurian Antiquities, edited by Ho1
fol. w. many fine plates. (5 £ 5 sh.)
Byron. — 30 Illustrations of Childe Harold,
don. 1855. 4. w. porträit and 30 very fine
Cabinet de l’Amateur et de l’Antiquaire. Rev
d’art, d’antiquite et de curiositö. Publ. p.
av. beauc. de gravv., eaux-fortes etc.