Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gmelin, Leopold [Red.]
(Band 1): Das deutsche Kunstgewerbe zur Zeit der Weltausstellung in Chicago 1893 — Paris, 1893

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fation 6er fäcbcr genannt tr>er6en, icelcbe namentlich, in
Sadjfen in Blütf/c ftebt; Dres&en un6 Ümgegen6 allein fiu6
6arin auf 6er Jlusftcllung 6urd) 25 Hamen vertreten, 6eren
Cräger tbeilroeife mirflicb fünftlcrifdjc arbeiten perfertigen.

We can conipare our doch as distantly related to musical
instruments. Tliey too have undergone important changes
and improvements in their exterior appearance. Not onlv
showy clocks construeted in one speeimen only, but also


Die Jortfcbritte 6er Keramif gehören ju 6en be6eu-
tenbften im gansen lümftgewerbe, obgleich, fie iEjrem gattjen
IDefeu nad; mefyr auf 6en ©rofbetrieb angeroiefen ift.
2tm auffaüen6ften ift 6er fünftlerifd) qualitative Unterfd)ie6
Sroifdjen einft un6 je£t beim Porjcllan roafyrjuner/men;
roohl blatte 6ie ältefte europäifdje -fabrif, 6ie fgl. fädjfifdje
porjellaumanufaftur in ZTieiffcn ifyren alten Huf treu beroabrt
un6 aueb, u. 21. »ortrefflicf/e arbeiten für 6as Königsfdilofj
£u6roig II. in £}crren=(£[;iemfee geliefert; aber ein frifdjer,
fünftlerifdjer ^ug fam erft roieber in 6as porsellan, als 6ie
fgl. preufifdje Porjellanmamifaftur in Berlin <£n6e 6er
70 er 3a'?re f'd} anfdjicfte, tedmifd) uu6 fünftlerifd; 6ie
-Jütn-ung in 6er 6eutfd}en po^ellanfabrifation $u über
nehmen. Was 6iefelbe im 3at;r J888 auf 6er ZTCündjener
Jlusftellung sunt erften ITtal 6er (Deffentlidjfeit in gröferer
inenge cor Zlugen führte, roar von einem fo gefun6en fünft«
lerifdjen (Seift 6urd;tr>eE)t; 6ajj 3eoer on ^'efe Ziusftellung
gefefjen, 6ie ©ruppe 6es Berliner porscllans als einen ©Ian5-
punft 6erfelben in (Erinnerung behalten tjat (Jlbb. 50). Das
gute Beifpiel nrirfte allerroärts in Z)eutfd)lan6 nad). —
Hebender läuft 6ie als gefonbertes Kunftt)an6u>erf betriebene
porsellanmalerei; fte bat neben an6eren Stä6ten ganj be«
fon6ers in Dres6en uu6 Umgebung itjrett Su§ uu6 befdjäftigt
ftd; tfyeils mit 6er Hacf/abmung alten porjellans, theils mit
mo6ernen ITtalereien. — 2ln 6iefer Stelle muff aueb, 6ic t>or-
netjme (Emailmalerei nad; 2Irt 6er £imoufiner genannt
rt)er6en, roeldjc in Berlin Bo6en gefugt tjat un6 r>ou 6er
tüd)tige Stiftungen corliegen.

Die eigentliche Hlajolifatecrjuif, je§t roic6er in
3talien eifrig betrieben, ift in Z)eutfd)Ian6 faft »öliig 6urd)
6as mo6erne Steingut mit bunten ©lafuren ucrfcräugt
roor6en, roeldfes aller6iugs uielfad) mit 6em Hamen „iTtajo«
Ufa" bejeidmet roir6; roenn mau — roas nur tr/eilroeife
berechtigt ift — 6eu farbig gebliebenen, aber mittelft un6urd)-
ftdjtigen Zlufgufj r>er6ecfteu Cboufdjerbcn als ein <£haraf«

clock-cases produced in greater numbers in factories show
remarkable aecomplishments in an artistic point of view;
in the latter respect tlie favorable results obtained may be
ascribed above all to tlie schools established for the purpose
in the great clock-making districts of the Black Forest.

A most remarkable extension is also to be observed
in the sphere of smaller sculptural work, wood-carv'mg,
articles as picture- and lookingglass-frames, boxes, towel-
holders, lustre-figures etc. serving as Ornaments for fine
sitting-rooms. The number of those who have exhibited
objeets of that kind in Chicago is a considerable one,
especially by Munich exhibitors. Closely connected with
it is the line of gilt wares, the produetion of which has
risen in Germany to such perfection that the plan to
have them sent from Paris has long been abandoned;.
they are on the contrary largely exported to that city now.

Ivory carving flourishes particularly in Berlin, Munich,
Nuremberg, Dresden, Stuttgart and Hamburg — also in
Geisslingen (near Ulm) where this art was introduced two
centuries ago by some protestants exiled from Berchtes-
gaden — in Erbach (Odenforest) where a special school
for ivory-carving exists. In connection with that brauch
of small-art must be mentioned the manufacturing of fam,
which flourishes chieflv in Saxony; Dresden with its en-
virons alone is represented at the Exhibition by 25 names.
the bearers of which partly produce a make of a really
artistic character.

The progress that Ceramic art has made is about
the mosi important in the whole region of Art-industrv,
though it is driven (by its whole nature) to a produe-
tion 011 a large scale. The difference in artistic quality
between the former and the present time is to be ob-
served in a most striking manner in pofcelain wäre.
It is true that the oldest establishment in Europe, the
Royal Saxon Porcelain-Manufacturv at Meissen hat kept