Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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History of Garden Art

fig. page

396. Versailles—Water-avenue and Dragon Fountain. (Engraving by Israel Silvestre) ... 62

397. „ Grotto of Thetis. (Engraving by Perelle) ........ 63

398. „ Interior of the Grotto of Thetis. (Engraving by Le Pautre) ..... 64

399. „ the Latona Fountain ............ 65

400. „ the Basin of Apollo and " Tapis Vert " . ........ 66

401. ,, General Plan, including Clagny, the Trianon and the Menagerie, and showing

the Great Canal. (Engraving by Le Pautre) ...... Inset 68-9

402. „ The Bosket of the Three, Fountains. (Engraving by Israel Silvestre) .... 69

403. „ The Bosket of the Water-theatre. (Engraving by L. Simonneau le Jeune) . 71

404. „ Fountain in the Labyrinth. (Engraving by Ulrich Kraus) ..... 72

405. „ Bosquet de L'Arc de Triomphe. (Engraving by I. Rigaud) . ..... 73

406. „ Le Marais Bosquet (Engraving by Israel Silvestre) ....... 74

407. „ The Bosket of La Galerie d'Eau. (Engraving by Perelle) ...... 75

408. Clagny—Ground-plan. (Engraving by Perelle) .......... 77

409. Chateau de Clagny—the Principal Parterre. (Engraving by Perelle) ...... 78

410. Versailles—Bosket of L'Ile Royale. (Engraving by Rigaud) ....... 79

411. ,, Bosket of the Fontaine de la Renommee. (Engraving by Israel Silvestre) ... 80

412. „ Colonnade with Bosket behind. (Engraving by Rigaud) ...... 81

413. „ Bronze Statue by Water-mirror. (Group by Le Hongre) ...... 82

414. Trianon de Porcelaine—View of the Gardens. (Engraving by Perelle, from Bikliotheque de VArt et

d'Archeologie) .......... 83

415. „ „ showing the Side Pavilions. (Engraving by Perelle, from Bibliotheque de

I'Art et d'Archeologie)......... 84

416. Marly-le-Roi—View with the Horse-pond in Front. (Painting by P. D. Martin, after Nolhac,

Histoire de Versailles) .......... 86

417. „ „ General Plan, 1753. (From the Survey of the Abbe Delagrive). .... 87

418. „ „ the Principal Garden. (Engraving by I. A. Corvinus) ...... 88

419. „ ,, the Rear Garden and Head of the Great Cascade. (Engraving by Rigaud) . . 89

420. „ „ View of the Garden and Side Avenues. (Engraving by Rigaud) .... 90

421. „ „ Le Bassin des Muses, with Bosket. (Engraving by Rigaud) ..... 91

422. ,, „ the Horse-pond. (Engraving by Rigaud) ........ 93

423. The Great Trianon—Ground-plan. (Engraving by Perelle). ....... 94

424. Chantilly—General View. (After N. Langlois) .......... 95

425. „ View of Garden and Castle from the Canal. (Engraving by Rigaud) ... 96

426. „ the Flower-parterre. (Engraving by Perelle) ........ 97

427. „ the Great Cascade. (Engraving by Rigaud) ........ 98

428. Fontainebleau in the Time of Louis XIV. (Engraving by Silvestre) . . . . - .100

429. „ the Great Canal. (Engraving by Silvestre) . . . . . . . .101

430. Meudon—the Principal Parterre. (After N. Langlois) . . . . . . . • 102

431. Saint-Cloud—General Plan. (Engraving by Silvestre) ........ 103

432. „ View of the Cascade with Pool in Foreground. (Engraving by Rigaud). . . 103

433. „ the Great Cascade ............ 104

434. ,, the Small Cascade. (Engraving by Rigaud) ........ 104

435. The Little Trianon—the Garden Side ........... 105

436. Versailles—the Apollo Groups as they are To-day ......... 106

437. A Vase Decoration in a French Garden. (From Marcel Fouquier, De I'Art des Jardins du XV- au XX-

Steele, Paris) ............... 107


438. Ornamental Vase in a French Garden. (Fouquier, De I'Art des Jardins) . . . . .112

439. Clipped Hedges in a Princely Garden. (Engraving by Corvinus) . . . . . . 113

440. Jardin de la Fontaine, Nimes—Ground-plan. (After Kleiner, Deutsche Bauzeitung, XLV., 1911) . 114

441. Nimes—Jardin de la Fontaine. (After Kleiner, Deutsche Bauzeitung, XLV., 1911) .... 115

442. Hampton Court under William and Mary—General Plan. (Le Nouveau Theatre de la Grande

Bretagne. Engraving by John Bowles) . . . . . . . . . . .118

443. Hampton Court—the Wrought-iron Gate of Tijou. (Latham, Gardens Old and New. Copyright:

Country Life)...............no

444. St. James's Park, London—Ground-plan. (Le Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bretagne. Engraving by


445. Badminton, Gloucestershire—General View of the Mansion and Gardens. (Le Nouveau Theatre de

la Grande Bretagne. Engraving by Kip) . . . . . . . . • .121