Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Abadia (Estremadura), castle garden, Lope de Vega's

description of, L 367
Abbas the Great, palace and gardens of, L 163-4
Abbotswood, Glos, Mr. Mark Fenwick's garden, II.

372, 373

Abd-ur-Rahman I., Villa Bussafa at Cordova, I. 152
Abd-ur-Rahman III., I. 152
Abercrombie, Professor Patrick, II. 416
Abraham, tree-garden of, I. 44

Academy at Athens, the, I. 65; Aristophanes' descrip-
tion of, 66; Plato and the, 70, 71
Acilian Gardens, I. 109, 298
Acqua Felice conduit, I. 295, 303, 328
Acqua Paola conduit, I. 295, 328
Acte, Nero's freedwoman, I. 92
Addison, II. 279, 280, 281, 289, 295, 352, 355, 369
Adelaide of Savoy, Princess, II. 132
Adonis gardens, I. 59-61
jEsculapius, I. 248
"^Esthetic" gardens, II. 305
African villas of wealthy Romans, I. 125-6
Agora, Athens, Cimon and the, I. 65; Anthedon,

Thebes, 65
Agostino, Ludovico, I. 237, 239
Agrippa, Marcus V., I. 90, 92
Agrippina the Elder, I- 91; Baths of, II. 92
Ahasuerus, King, public festivities of, I. 40
Airy, Mount, U.S.A., II. 425
Aix, Charlemagne's pineapple fountain at, I. 190
Alaska, Mount McKmley National Park, II. 431; Katmai

Monument, 437
Alba, Duke. See Alva
Albani, Cardinal, I. 260

Albani Villa, Rome, ground-plan, I. 344; garden-walk,
345; coffee-house view of, from Casino Terrace, 346;
principal parterre, view of, 347; cypress wall with
statues, 348; Roman character of, 348; pergola or
covered walk, 349; classical tradition preserved, 350;
modern prospect of common lodging-houses instead
of the Sabine Hills, 350; Winckelmann's work, 350;
French influence, resistance to, 350; II. 205, 206

Albano, Imperial Villa, I. 110

Albert V., Duke of Bavaria, II. 33

Alberta: Rocky Mountain Park, II. 433; Jasper Park,
433; Waterton Lakes Park, 433; Buffalo Park, 433

Alberti, Leandro, I. 236, 237

-, Leon Battista, Italian Renaissance architect,

I. 207; imitation of Pliny, 208; his ideas of garden-
economy, 208, 209; harmony of garden and villa
design, 208; principles exemplified in the Villa
Madama, 233-4; comic statues, 286; Spanish gardens
and influence of, 358

Albertus Magnus, his knowledge of medicinal plants,
I. 195

Albuquerque, Admiral, his son's estate at Bacalhao,
I. 382

Albury Park, Surrey, Duke of Northumberland's garden
at, II. 394

Alcala, Duke of, Spanish Ambassador, I. 313
Alcazar, the (Seville): site, I. 354; old Arab basis, 354;
Golden Tower, 354; Moorish feeling for complete
seclusion, 354; Patio (Court) de las Doncellas, 354;
fruit-trees in courts of, 357; flower-garden, 357;


fundamental idea of Alhambra and the Generalife
borrowed, 357; baroque grotto-work, 357; sunk
gardens, 357; garden-house and fruit-garden, 357;
reservoir, 357; tiled walks, 357-8; fountains, 358;
labyrinth, 358; mediaeval appearance preserved by
Philip V., 363; gardens destroyed by fire in 1747,
364; bull-fights, 364; statues, 364
Alcibiades, I. 71, 72

Alcinous, gardens of, I. 55, 56, 57, 77-8, 432
Alciphron, I. 76
Aldenham, Lord, II. 399

Aldenham House, Herts, garden of the Hon. Vicary
Gibbs, II. 394, 398-403; art paramount, 399; date
of foundation, 399; successive owners, 399; shrubs
and plants of, 399-400; trees, 400-1; dipping-pool,
400; cross-fertilising, 401; landscape gardening at its
purest, 402

Aldermaston Court, Berks, Mr. C. E. Keyser's garden
at, II. 394

Aldobrandini, Cardinal: his villa, I. 313; designed by
Giacomo della Porta, 313; ship fountain of, 315-16;
water-stairway, 317
Alencon, gardens of, I. 201

Alessi, Galeazzo, Genoese architect, I. 250, 254, 343
Alexander the Great: tomb of Cyrus, I. 43; Oriental

parks, his care for, 72
Alexandra Park, Manchester, II. 413
Alexandria, public and royal gardens of ancient, I. 73;

Tower of Babel, 420
Alfonso, Crown Prince, his Neapolitan residence, I.

Alhambra, the: a legacy from the Arabs, I. 153; location
of the park, 153; Court of Myrtles, 153; the elms
planted by Wellington, 153; terraced gardens, 154;
" Jardin de los Arcades," 154; the canal, 154; Court of
Lions, 154; pleasure-house of the Sultan of Granada,
154-8; Navagero's description of, 154, 156; Alcazar
compared with, 357; Italian Renaissance influence,
358; Charles V.'s palace, 358; ground-plan of Charles
V.'s palace inspired by Villa Madama (q.v.), 358;
dwarf elms, 359; Wellington's plantation, 359
Alphand, French landscape gardener, II. 327, 335, 345
Alpine gardens in England, II. 382
Altemps, Cardinal Marco Sitico, I. 323, 328
Alva, Duke of, castles of, I. 367
Alyattes, Herodotus' account of tomb of, I. 43
" Amalthea, the Horn of," symbolical meanings of, L 61
Amboise, Cardinal, I. 396

Amboise Castle, French monarch's work on, I. 391,

392, 393; Du Cerceau's engraving, 393
Ambras Castle, Innsbruck, II. 12, 33
j Amenhotep (Amenophis) III., a villa of the time of,

I. 9, 10; his pond, 14
I Amenhotep (Amenophis) IV., aristocratic residence of
the time of, I. 12, 13, 14; royal palace at El-Amarna,
14, 16; fondness of, for flowers, 14
America, Garden Club of, II. 458

America, North: landscape architecture, II. 419 et seq.;
English influence, 421; Italian Renaissance influence,
422; cultural unity of people of, 422; varied topo-
graphy of, 423; native flora, 424-5; Early American
gardens, 425; Olmsted's principles, 428; park ceme-
teries, 428; playgrounds, 430; reservations, types of,
430; national parks, 432-4; national forests, 435;
national monuments, 435-7; State lands, 4^7; home