Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Graham, Alexander
Roman Africa: an outline of the history of the Roman occupation of North Africa ; based chiefly upon inscriptions and monumental remains in that country — London [u.a.], 1902

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Appendix III


Bonifacius defeated by the Vandals at Hippone . . . . a.d. 431

Carthage taken by surprise by the army of Genseric and the Vandal

kingdom founded in North Africa ...... a.d. 439

Valentinian III. abandons to the Vandals the Proconsular Pro-
vince, Byzacena, and a portion of Numidia • • A-D- 442
All North Africa in the possession of the Vandals .... a.d. 476

African Council convened by Himeric, king of the Vandals. 474
sees sent representatives. The bishops suffered terribly and
were deprived of all their possessions ..... a.d. 484

Hilderic, the Vandal king, favours Christianity, recalls the bishops,

and recognises Boniface as Primate of Africa .... a.d. 524

Belisarius, the Byzantine general, lands at Capoudia (Caput Vadia),

not far from Thysdrus, and defeats Gelimer and the Vandal army a.d. 533
Solomon, his successor, chases the Vandals from Africa . . a.d. 534
Destruction of Thamugas by Moors . . . . a.d. 535

Solomon constructs fortifications outside all the principal towns, but

destroys the public buildings of the Romans .... a.d. 539

Heraclius I. proclaimed Emperor 610, died.....a.d. 641

North Africa overrun by Arabs ....... a.d. 646

Gregorius, governor of Africa, resisted the Arabs, and was defeated
near Tripoli. Sufetula, his capital, fell into the hands of the

invaders...........a.d. 647

Destruction of Carthage by Hassan......a.d. 698

Queen Kahina, the Joan of Arc of Numidia, resists the Arabs, and

defeats them near Thamugas ....... a.d. 703

She entrenched her army in the amphitheatre at Thysdrus and
subsequently engaged Hassan in a decisive battle at the foot of
the Aures mountains, and was defeated ..... a.d. 705

All North Africa submits to the followers of Mahomet, and Islamism

is firmly established.........a.d. 750