Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Graham, Alexander
Roman Africa: an outline of the history of the Roman occupation of North Africa ; based chiefly upon inscriptions and monumental remains in that country — London [u.a.], 1902

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^Emilianus, the Moor, his short reign, i

Inscriptions relating to him, 239
^Esculapius, Temple of, at Lambaesis,

and its remains, 159
African legion first located at Theveste,

44 ; removed to Lambaesis, 162
Agathocles, the Sicilian, invades North

Africa, 3

Albinus, Clodius, memorial of, 198
Algerian onyx, its varieties and where
found, 76

Amphitheatre at Thysdrus, its construc-
tion and arrangement, 231 ; its use as
a fortress, 233 ; the principal ones
compared, 234

Apollodorus, the architect, 62 ; the story
of his disgrace, 119

Apuleius of Madaura, 132 ; his career
and remarkable gifts, 134 ; notice of
his principal works and account of
his trial, 135-139

Aquae Tibilitanse, a remarkable spring ;
legend relating to it, 146

Aqueduct of Carthage, 109 ; its con-
struction, 114; legend relating to it,

Army, the Roman, in the time of Marcus

Aurelius, 162
Assuras, monumental remains of, 203
Augustine, St., Bishop of Hippo, 245
Augustus, dedication to, at Mascula, 42
Aurelian, Emperor, memorial of as

Restitutor Orbis, 248

Bagradas, river, its peculiarities ; legend

of Regulus and his army, 20
Bassianus, the founder of a dynasty, 207 ;

his pedigree, 219
Bocchus, king of Mauritania, and his

treacherous conduct, 15
Boundaries of Roman Africa difficult to

define, 305
Bulla Regia, its remains, 71
Byzacene, the region so called, 58

C.-esar, Julius, victory at Thapsus, 17
Capellianus, Roman governor of Mauri-
tania, incites the natives to revolt,

Caracalla, his arch at Theveste, 47 ; his
rule in Africa, 205 ; inscriptions relat-
ing to him, 207

Carinus, Emperor, memorials of, 251

Carpitana, name of a town recorded in
an inscription, 64

Carthage, Punic, destroyed, 13 ; magni-
ficence of Roman Carthage, 24;
heights of buildings in the city, 24 ;
the aqueduct, 109; its construction,
114 ; a great intellectual centre, 131 ;
its renowned scholars, 141

Carthaginians store their rain-water,
system adopted, 110

Carus, Emperor, memorials of, 251

Castella, described, in various parts of
North Africa, 168

Castrum at Lambsesis described, 166

Christianity, rise of in Africa, 242 ;
leaders of, 243

Cirta, capital of Numidia, 8 ; made a
seat of government by Augustus, 26;
tomb of the silversmith, 80 ; the birth-
place of Fronto, 142 ; its schools, 128 ;
renamed by Constantine, 274

Cisterns, Punic, at Carthage, 112;
Roman and others in the country, no

Claudius, M. Aurelius, Emperor, his
short reign, memorial of, 247

Cleopatra Selene, wife of Juba II., 26

Colonic explained, 36

Colonisation of North Africa, first at-
tempted by C. Gracchus, 33

Commagena, an auxiliary force raised in
that country employed in Africa, 188

Commodus, Emperor, his worthless rule,

187 ; his name erased, 189
Concrete construction explained, 22 ; its

application, 114
Configuration of North Africa, a bar
to complete occupation, 297
