Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Julia Msesa, her distinguished position,

Julia Mammsea, 208 ; her influence over

her son, Alexander Severus, 217
Julianus, the Apostate, memorial of, 278

Kalama and its remains, 146
Khomair country and its people, 70
Kleber near Oran, its marble quarries,

Lamb,4;sis, the camp at, 166 ; its arrange-
ments, 167 ; inscriptions both military

and civil, 172-181
Latifuudia explained, 14
Legion, the third Augustan, its services,

165, 171 ; its temporary disgrace, 90 ;

reconstituted, 165
Leptis Magna, its antiquity, 6 ; birth- [

place of Septimius Severus, 140 ; a place j

of renown, 198
Licinius, Emperor and supporter of

Paganism, opposes Constantine the

Great and is defeated, 267
Livia, wife of Augustus, dedication to, at

Zama, 42
Longevity, many examples of, 83
Lucius Domitius Alexander, governor of

Africa, incites a revolt; inscription

relating to him, 265

Macrinus, the Moor, assumes the purple,

Mactar, ruins of, 79

Madaura, the birthplace of Apuleius, 132
Magistrates, gifts and money payments

on their election, 99
Magnentius, the usurper, a memorial of,


Magnia Urbica, wife of the Emperor

Carinus, memorial of, 251
Marble quarries in North Africa, 72, 75,


Marcia Otacilia, wife of Philip the Arab,

memorial of, 236
Marciana, wife of Septimius Severus, a

memorial of, 200
Marcius Turbo, the general, his victory

over Lusius Quietus, 107
Mascula, a seat of Christianity, 88
Masinissa, his remarkable career and

foundation of a powerful kingdom, 12 ;

his supposed sepulchre, 29
Masuna, a Moorish king, memorial of,


Mauritania, its frontier undefined, 273 ;
divisions of under Claudius, 32 ; and
under Diocletian, 53

Maxentius, son of Maximianus, raises
the standard of revolt in Africa, 266 ;
defeated by Constantine, 269

Maximianus, his joint rule with Diocle-
tian, 257 ; inscriptions relating to him,
258 ; his abdication, 260; his re-
assumption of power, 266

Maximinus, his revolt and defeat, 220-

Maximus, an upholder of Paganism,

raises the standard of revolt in Africa

and is defeated by Theodosius, 287
Medjerda, vagaries of the, 20
Medrassen, the tomb of Numidian kings,

described, 30
Memmia, second wife of Septimius

Severus, 218
Memorials of good women, 151 ; and of

students, 130
Meninx, island of, its celebrity, 240
Milliaria, their origin, 68 ; the Milliarium

Aureum, 69
Milvian bridge, an inscription relating

to it, 272
Monasteria, meaning of, 65
Mumcipia explained, 35

Native troops in the Roman army in
Africa, 184

North Africa, division of, 32 ; configura-
tion of the country, 38

Numerianus, son of Carus, memorials of,

Numidia contributes to the success of

the Romans, 10
Numidian marble, when first used, its

transport, 75

CEa, its prosperity and monumental
remains, its associations with Apuleius,

Onyx, Algerian, 76

Orbiana, wife of Alexander Severus, her
banishment to Caesarea ; memorial of,

Ostia, its importance under the Empire,
and present condition, 59

Paccia Marciana, wife of Septimius

Severus, memorial of, 200
Pertinax, Emperor, memorials relating

to him, 195
Phifcni, legend of the, 6
Phikenorum Arse, site of, 5
Philip, the Arab, murders Gordian III.,

235 ; his rule, inscription relating to

him, 236