Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Griffith, Francis Ll.
The inscriptions of Siût and Dêr Rîfeh — London, 1889

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Considering their accessibility and importance, the tomb inscriptions of Siut have been strangely
neglected, and I have every reason to believe that the present publication will supply a much felt want.
My endeavour has been, in the first place, to obtain accuracy in the readings and completeness; secondly,
to give a faithful transcript of my own copy; thirdly, to add to it materials for future correction and
restoration. The task has entailed more labour than may be realised by the reader, who I hope will none
the less pardon the rudeness of my drawings.

The discovery of a mass of fresh material since the Plates were drawn, and consequent delays which
gave me further opportunities for revision, have resulted in burdening the texts with more notes than are
convenient. But until a fresh comparison with the original can be undertaken, I shall refuse to alter my
own copies or to omit annotations that may still lead to the true reading: and I believe that no Egypto-
logist will quarrel with tbis decision.

Gladly would I have placed at the head of this little memoir the names of the two friends to whom I
owe so much, but that privilege was refused me. Let me however here repeat my thanks, in the one case
to a connoisseur of art who, exercising a wise philanthropy, has given a start and encouragement to many
enterprises; in the other case to a dear relative to whom I am bound by acts of particular kindness.

I must also thank those who have assisted me in matters more closely connected with the present work,
namely: in England, the Committee of the Egypt Exploration Fund, and especially Miss Amelia B. Edwards,
Mr. R. S. Poole, and Mr. Grueber; also Mr. Le Page Renouf, Professor Hayter Lewis, and the Rev. W. J. Loftie ;
in Egypt, Mr. Petrie,' Count Riamo d' Hulst, Dr. Grant-Bey, and M. Ed. Naville: whilst I must draw special
attention to the fact that Professor Maspero of Paris and Professor Erman of Berlin have not only con-
tributed directly to the contents of the Plates, but have also subjected those numbered from I to XIX to
a close revision. Their cordial interest in the work has, I need hardly say, been the greatest possible
encouragement to me.