Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 26.1781

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d R <f U 3 OR 1 G I M A L

Calcutta General Ad vert i fen

A Wtekly Pubtu'al end Commercial Paptr, Optn

t» at) parricSi

injlusncrd by None,

.» —---.

"From Saturday J'i'y the 24th to

Saturday July

21ft. 178 I.

{No. XXVI]

Mr. H I C X 1 J preferiY adopted fronipfomc unknown cau-j curit'y for the fake 'of a trivial confidft-

fcs.---Surely not rh'e Wifdom. cr our. ration-, When there is io Creditable and

refpc&able an "AlTociation as the Calcut-
ta infurar.ee Company; deferve in my opi-
nion to Suffer evcrv Lois that their FoP
iy and ineon0deration muit inavoidably

fubjcCfc and expofe them to.'-—


HE Unfortunate errors of,
r4 }~ q >nr >•----» was one hair the .amount of that.

V* ~ >'4 ■ 1- * "" Side and'Cargo f now to be entrufted to

1 L- time to be many, and ,j fpv o j t«-- „

ft> ,- , , - . -T..,-the <a angers ot the Seas and enemies; con-

l^k^ ^ '*r- ^ llr . Verted 'to fitting out a Guardihip cf 40

¥ Pcf f£h n^-C bc" Gum for Protection of the Rice Trade

neficjaHj employed than, by Snarling at ■ . . , . , r ,,,, f . c-

the Roues and Card Parties of-—fj—or

the innocent Coquetry of a.Mifs \V-

sr.d her firing of dopes.—You have now
■learnt what CorJlitutcs aLibeh and may
fleer clear 'of th'ofe fhoals in fiuit-e—Bc

oh which depends the Fall of the Carna-
fick— Would, it not have been a more

laudable as tell as puVdc fpiriied plan? £ b. . On the liberty cftbe Prefs.

Dutv of 2 per Ct. on the 'Cargoes at J Evcr thought thnt the more any

Madras might, have been appropriated X Man endeavoted to exert himfelf ior

in Bengal fliil, and Lad M£e>\& ffrW&S* ^fncc» wh,Cti fe
m, r r- ■ r - f- • 1 trader wouid pay without murmur, As
Carttfi w:p. taXe tare of tnc Carnal'ck. 1 . -u r -„ ,' r> ' • c t r

, ... '.. the will Ave it on t.ie Premium for Inio-
i ney tee! the Kerns already ngnt on the : •„!;,• -r,- ,-- , , n r rJ

- ; • t - , i S • t wi- . .nng Jus Veheiand Careo.----- Confidcr-

Coitti anci vv e mav nope that his ulUcc 1 •" '... 1 .r„ i- 1 1 • •• .

. i, .... ,-.„ ; h - ■,- , . ring the late.acts which have pajTed of
add eft-Oilities wiil.be a inur 01 hmu an- ■,,.„! • J , rnt

Cr ■■ A -i'i & ptonrbmng roe importawn of Salt, the

„t -it . i becretarys lax--and the two and. halt

l.:r ot an. lndiararn will not-tnrre take , r & . * •

,••<•• . ... c-i • 1 per Ct. Duty even on the neceiiarv Arti-
four weeks m fitting out fais Ship when '»„ +■ .. n ■ ■ ^- \

,• c P ; ... 1 cics tor ihipping Rice.--mav We net

Bn Chicr encer can no it in two, nor fnnn ■nvno<i. l;-c. °., r^ 1 r , •, •

, r '--r , ■ loon expecc to Ice the Oroer lor.pro nbit-

rfl he oe ailoived-to carry five I nomana ;„,v i v, ,.• - * /• • aw

-r n- - ' ' 1' 1 ■> j ing tne tixportation ct Oram Alfo.---

Bftgs or fltce on Account of the Com- r • •

pany and feven thoufand on his own — \

a i u- of 56 thoufand Rupees freight oh

I - ; Comp.-.nys Ships is an object not to

be defpHe.l a;; this time, and that Sum is

certain!'/ loft if they carry only five thon-

fahd Bags e-tch.-i---——- We have much

le.-ibc. to lament at this time, that the

Favorites of G---are fo uawor-

ihy the Ornces or Commands with which

they are eiuruited;. with equal abilities j

they mav claim a prior Eight to be fery-

ed but filrely the Good of the ftati ought

not to Be Sacrificed for gratifying them:

, The MJrrmiien Vir'lurfo wHo. iKould

rever have rifen above a Pi re worker fuf-

Rrienfly evinces it'.* ratal Confeqiience in

Hje Army--Without experience^ Ar-
rogant and Vain. Pie has idled his D?r

tsehrnenr, (reduced to half it's origin.d

iiumber,) with dhlrult and difconteht.''—

Surely his pretentions to laVor migh't

have been fad?.lied %yith' forrie other poft

wjd the fafety of a Province not have

Pern fported with to graiity his defire.

p'or the Credit of our Directors •, let it
alfo be fuppofed that fomc unwa'rthy Fa-
vorites ate the caufes of t'lofe Cruel
&ivJ Arbitrary Irripofuions in the Cui'-
toais As the fmall addiuofl' wiiich they
mutt bang to the Revenues' after paying
t'v' enormous falaries of a Ufelefs Com


W'PIEN 1 reilect on the prcfent ftate
of private inftirSnce and the
number cf defperate and needy adven-
turer, who without being poffeffed cf al-
rSoft a fingli RUpeeJ Pm iy lay, riot only,
undertake but plunge deeply into this
alluring and attractive branch of liufi-
hefsj I am filed with aftcinilhment and
can't but fecretly pity thofe who by
thcmfelves or their Agents truft their
Property to the Merci'lefs W"inds and
Waves upon fech fallacious and Swind-
ling Security, for to my knowledge Mr.
luiiicr fohft of thofe Chaps fo.fiir from
being pcfefied of any real Fund or
means tb make good fuel) Loffes as
muft.inevitably Occur in this line of their
profefubn have Scarcely where withall to
procure a dinner, the Confequence of
which mud be that \Vl en any Lofs hap-
pens the infurer finds it either ripcefiary
to remove for ;i change of Air or die
with unparalleled effrontery denies his
fignaturej and ail that remains for the par-
ty Injured is to fett down and Lament
when to late his foolifli Credulity and
the lofs that has been thereby incurred.
I have been induced to trouble you with
thefe obfefvation's, on the fubjeel from an
ir'iTioners ^couki not poJiibly have been Tnftance that has very lately happened plaints can arrive to the royal Ear,f -and
t;vc real •kjefr. of fuch unpopular T?xes. j to a friend of mine who having left one of | By which truth,can -come to the knov/-
Thefe ho>rever would no doubt be cheat- ' thefe Policies with mc, upon his depar-1 ledge of a Xing. In molt Countries/

1 he Liberty of thefubjedf, the more h©
ferved his Prince^ and the more he fhtw-
cd his duty to him. The happinefs of
a King can never be more gieat, than
when his Subjects enjoy a complete con-
tent, and the Subjects t an never be conr
tented when their liberties are any way

injured'* attacked, or undermined.-~

Whatever.man advifes his Prince to take
any one ttep which borders upon con-
tracting the eftabjiffied Privilrdges of
the People, is a double rrakor both to
his Sovereign, and his fellow fubjects;
and riffurediy ought to be difcarded bv
the. one, and abominated by the other'.

Among the Privileges of this Coun-
try, the chiefeft are, 1'he Liberty of the
Profs, and the Privileges of being tried
by our Peers, and whenever thefe two
arc loft (which may GOD and all good
Men forbid) the .Name of .a Briton, will
be dsfpiied as that cf the moft abjef.;
wrcicii breathing.. The belt things prove
the w rit when once .corrupted, and the
greater the taftc of Liberty hath been-i
the more heavy will the lofs of it be ffeltt
1 would not be underltood te iiifmuatewo
are in any danger oi fuch a lofs-j no
quite the.contrary: but it can never to
unfeafohable to warn my Countrymen
not to give way to the mqft di'lant at-
tempts againft fuch invaluable bieilings...
. Any encroachment on the Liberties of
the PrefsJ if rightly confidercd, can ne-
ver add to the real intereft of either
King or Minifier; by its Freedom only.!
the Prince may learn when the people arc
oppreffed; when any Statefmrn (borrovv-
ing his'Sovereign's Name to fcrecn his
Mikleeds) does any a£t of injuficcj .and
when any thing conducive to the peopled
further happinefs can be afiefted.... That
is the only way by which a fubjeft's com-

fuiJy paid in the prefent exigences cf , ture for Europe ro recover upon. ,% of . the Monarch is furroutided wi:!i a rium.-

n J fend are defunct t. In-I her of men, whefe.private inter'dt?'. 6r(s'

G—--—r, -i fuch a v<ant aSconomjf the Gentlemen

«;;d not evidently deitroy any fupoort folvenr," ?nd another bent upon going,to ! to haniffi truth; and hinder any .Arcji

which might aril'e from them.-: The Paw, before 1 dofe my obiervation I to the Royal prefence; to thole w'ho'.^^fa f

Ojiuoi Voyage fo much talked off fecms cannot avoid remarking that fuch who inform him of the thoughts of hP .A-

to be ar.ath.er of thofe wil'd" meafures at give the pieierenic to fuch'modes of fe- 1 pie, or the opfifeflionS of Pis '$Jjf§4&$