Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 48.1781

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Adver tiien

VOL H .] A fVsckly PeHtic'al and Commercial Ptiptr, Open "it all Parties, but ihfiue'nai ly None,


i oo From Saturday December the 15th to Saturday December %z&. 1781. Mo. ■ XLViif

Now ir, ihi' Prefs>, a-idfpeedily mill hi
■Pubiij&ed.. Price 4 Rup&s.

N Almanac for the enfuing
Year, containing tie Chrifii-
and Bengal Calendars, with the

Mahometan /Era of the Hegira,--

The conjunctions. Squares, and op-

pofitions of the Lnmnariesi--Tne

Moris Southing; Calculated agreeable
to apparent Aftr momlcal time to the
Meridian of Calcutta, and may be
reduced to ny other Meridian by a
Nore inferred for that purpofe.—-The
Moons culminating the MMdi.iri,
being very ufeful for determining the
time of High-Water at any Port
or Harbour provided the time be
a he t-uned at which it is high Water
at the full and Change.—The Sout-
hing m.^y alio have it's life by taking
Her Meridian Altitude, For deter-
mining tbeLattitude proper Allow-
ance being made for Her Paraibx
in Altitude.—=——The Equation of
time ricce llhry in regulatingClocksj
Abb v. Table of the Sans Riling and
Setting, independent of Refraction,
with directions how to find the
Moons full and Change at any1 other
Meridian on the Globe where Long,-
t'aie is afeertainedi

N". B. This Almanac will be
printed with a beaiitiful ne.v Type on
a line P.iper4 and fold at the Pjpioti.fig
Office, the 28th of the preient

on BiLir id at

tl/'hs broke end from his Landlord run dwaf.

Z&J&X&x eke DAT and NirirtT eon-
% M $ . fpif-d a 'hidden flight.

" W For DATf they fir,', is run
<$ '<< aw^y by NicriT,

*r&X&Zi- i)AT's -part and gone—^why
Landlord where's your rent?
bid you nor fee that DAT was dnToft
{pent ?

D^J'paw'n'd and fold,- and put off what
he might,

Tho' it b"e ne'er lb darky DAT will be

DAT is departed irt a mifti fear^ | graced throughout Ihdcfhn, as tho1

For DAT is broke* and. yet does hot : it we e no'(: fufficient that his mean-

nefs and ; noihingnefs - were, exp'oled
throughout our own Dominion!—i.


From time to time he prornifed ftill to

pay; . -.

You InoUld have rofe before the break

of DAY, .
But if you had, you'd have got nothing

For DAY was cunning and broke over

Nl'oht !

DAY like- a Candle^ is goh'e o\lt£ but
where ?

None knows u.niefs to t'other fremS fplVere.
Then to the Tavern let us hafte away\
Come chear up-—hang't His btit a bro-
ken DAY,
And he that trbftfcd DAY for any fum,
Will have his money .if that DAY will

fd Mr. i-1 I C K Y


T OBSERVE that there is a Rfport
|_ pretty current in To .vn that your
old Friendj my L P is
actually going, if not P-one; upon
an expedition to Delhi on whit ac-
count mv information does jfipt fay,
perhaps, being a prbfciTor of tfle no-
ble; and benirieial fcience of Virtue
and havine . jrown above his own


Prgfefiicti, merely in the hope cf
adding fome what to his already

In the parliamentary enquiry wh>_rk
is clofe at hand} and will be rigid
and decifive in the affairs of' this
Country, how Will it amaie th^
fupporters of this ^— — Politick
an (the- ~~ and -- ' '■ ■--- bf wh.de
Meafures hate brought thi.'s> till
He received itj fio'iriih'rig fempire
to the lower? State" of Poverty, "ana
to the bririk Of Ruin) to find ori
what ——sr they jiav'e lavifhcd
their illfated countenance; and hi
the Bands of what a Man they have
put the MeanS to do Miichic'f.~u^a
Tliat the iffue of this Enquiry ma-i
fpeedily arrive with its; with Re-
drefs proportioned to the injuries
received? and the greatheiS of \h6
caufe at ftafce With Men' defe^ing
to be intruued with inch powers, be
vvijll the abidue-« to employ theitl
properly mttfl be the eanlelr praver
or evei •'.

Win tl'i/hfrr t& this €c:;?:t:yi

~~r w; ; ;

HERE I fpeht the' Everiirig lai
f rlightj fome Gentlemen v/ere ol)-
fcrving tHat tiie preyerfenefs :pf difpVfii!
invalu-ibie Mufiiim cffliells and But- tiofi of a certain GhU Man up the'
tcr-fiics. It may be, too, that hav- j Coonrry v/as i'uchi that if he was ad^ifccl.
ing had .fo intimate a Connexion !thro' J&ur Papery or indeed by any Per-:
aild confidential (ranfaclions with

the Great Mogul of thefc ReJms
(as the facetious bt—ph—n B—g—aw
in one of your ludicrous Anecdote

on whom he.had once honor'd <rith: hi»
liGikrjf id the ' nr.oil benefitl-il plans la
be adopted e'hbef for the Peb'l'c good, or
his o\Vii even,- tbat he wouid'malcea painli
of hi to act diarhetritaMy centrafy.-'-zy

figniiieantly phrafes h) He is dtfir- I was walking home a thought came into

pus cf having ocular and mental! my head; that if inch' was really the cak;

knowledge of the Porto type, orj might prove .1 luckily one; Su'ppofe

real Enpcrouiy and dncover wherein' Nr- HICK.Y you was to" fequefl: of him

the Copy refembles the O'rigina!;-^' in a Ve,7 partiotrlar manner,- Mt to Jiang

But is it poffible Mr; HICSY that h^/{ and to aSnrc him if he was,- i$

n.r 1 ,r rr . n would be rendering the Public and the

any Man, pollening ev n the mod -n ... f. *w* - ,* ,

3 . . ■ » r9 ♦*: rTv • Companv a fcrvice the neareit aaeduate,

moderate degree ai contmori under- (of any ^ His power a: left) to the inji--'
dandm'2; can- be fb kil td all ienfd fies he has done to bath.-~---Ic may'be
of the Station and dignity in" which worth the try*!, iro'wever that I lea^'e td

\he is,«I coiffefs, oifl-y norn-nily placed yout'r Confrderatiom—'-—Buf wifii
rt< "fdweu'd ^for He If is never reaby been more v/ould gift


You had one DAT,- a tenant,- andwou'd Ifa j^e }^1S ncVSr r'zzVy been more ^ould notice to Mr. M——-«n of
ten ; jV .jj a pappHt h tlii hands of tFie aff,ir" that Feem fiti merit attention.

Your eyes- could lee that DAT but once . r ■ ^ % > As for Mr; W-^.' h<» tftmks 6f Hb4

1 ■■ *eal performers, to anprJir upon the . . _

m*>n? < r ' „, #i 1 UL. c. thfng hm.mttn& Conerafts and Places

fa, Landlord no: now you ntay truly ^eas tlt;. P^^o: tir.ir profit ^ ^ R^oJ ^ D

Jay, diflates, or either as" a 100I or Gatf* the Ut$ h the Sheets and Public roads'

(And w you- coft too) yey have loft, p**' to do tHeSr Bu;mc;s. tor thftrr) ^pray what is to be done ffffi the ^4
• friw to feifer mm/tWW&t m&$fe?"* Hmsrs eel-leflio.-s tffee ^'e^e»