Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 48.1781

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IIH I C X k ^rnl'ft* at VEtrciosVtorict pV^. at tfo Ex^Snee of ike €^

'•ave icrvcd a loss

Y2« Sip-OS Ei5AN «i CwAf R,

T the Harmonic Tavern in L«ll ' A THEATRIC A L B G N

M O T.
/"HEN Mr. Colmaa #as Ma-
■ nager of Govern Garden The-
atre, he happened to have a violntr
quarrel with Mr.'Yates: the Iattep
gentleman, priiting of his great aiM*
ities and judgment faid to br.e
Cdtip&n, *: You little infigtirficant
being, fcr thice farthings, i would

putyou in*my pocket.'*--"Then

^anfwered Mr. Co!m:m) you would
have rn^rc wit h,.* \our pocket. tha«
eve you had iu your head,"

A N Extenfive Spot of Ground in
/\ the beft and Molt airy, Place of
Calcutta whereon is erected two
Subrlantial Commodious Pucka
Brick Houfes.—This EiUte already
brings in four Hundred Sicca Rupees
per month and is ictt to tie Company
for a Term at the Will and option of
the Purchafer. For the conveni-
ence of the Buyer two thirds of the
jutwhafe Money may remain on
Mortgage; For further Particulars

AND is Sold at the Library* fhc late
Bye Law eit-hct bo-uiiu t>r in Jjfeeefs.

FsrJaU iy Mr. -PRESCOT No. u.s 4m't"bt

CeJJateUab, Bcozar*.
\/f ADEIRA Wine in pipes or ia
1v& Boctlcsw Cape do. in leagures or do.
Europe Vinegar in half * do-, or do. Brandy
in Bottles, Gin and Dutch Cordials m
cafes or Bottles, Porter, Hock, Claret
&d and Batavda, Sugar, Candy, by the
maund, aifo Europe carpets Mahogany
plarifcs, Painters oil colours &:c-.

To be S O L D,

ABUDGEROfF the Dinaehlions 8rck
of an Inchamati-s Long Beat V/ith a
Large Hall and Venetians encube of Mrv
Nyfs in Calcutta—alio ifrnatt Convenient
g Oar'd Budgerow of 2 Rooms both in
good repair, and fit tor immediate Uie.

24th Nov. 1781^

ANY Perfon or Perfons who cau
give information of Mr. William
Maynard, will hear ibmetlung to his ad-
vantage Mr. ,M—--was 5th Mate of thsi
Shrew {bury lndiamen Cape,. Coggan a-
bout two Years and a half ngb- but rc-
main'd in India, he was feen in Calcutta,
on October 17S1. a line dire&ed to K. P
or to Mr. Micky printer or the Bengal

N O T * I C

Qidz^ic Street,
W&cre the hearty l"«pp3rters of the

Stewards meet ^
Wise re tUil to protect their blels'd Ccr.j-


They arc come to the following wife

KisoiV'o—!»—That th*fc Reptiles, who

«ur*d to exprcis
la a'libellous, vile and malicious adurefs
An everiion to our bdov A §?ok.2*i.aS
f and thus

So apparently meant to fefie& upon Us)
Are too low for the notice at the S awneys
who meet.

At tr-.e Calcutta Tavern in Loll Baazar
' Street.

And after the molt mature deliberation.
Much debate and much ierious coniide-
ration \

Since We cannot their infult feverely

Were determined to treat them with

proper contempt ;
Aadj therefore, no means of revenge

being known,
Be it farther ft ESOtv'd-That we let them




*' Twixt Emma ano Marplot the

Quarrel's a fhamm'd one;
*' Twixt Emma and Tent^oli;, I
believe 'tis a daraii'd btie.


To Idea-G;-or.ge and Jack Paradise-.

" Ye witlings give o'er, the contcft
as vain,

For Emma has chofe for her partner a

Whom fancy and reafon approve •,
Who Laughs to behold you your talents

In Leilures on pkefures you Could not enjoy:
While he is ble'li with the Charmer you


B O N S MOTS of Mademoifelle

~\MONSIEUR Rcmond, boafting one
±vJL uaY thai this Lady had formed
him ; "Then (fsid Ihe) I have done as
God did, who repented lumfelf that he
had made Mar."

After Madame de Maintenon became' 17 do. 8 i's by 6 IS at do 5-0 do fc7fGlc{ foj-E^ O
all-powerful, {he propofed placing 16 do* 8 i's by 6 i's at do. 5 do rG>lc^0f t]|- Q
L'Enclos in a Convent. To which The above Timbers are all cleanly *' ' " "=j?
L'Enclos replied, "With all my" hear;, dre'ied. \ -= ^

provided it was in a Convent of Corde- , In the ron?h, v.-thole Sari Tim- l? S

beres But bemg told that ^ F^sre- hcn from 2/Feet long to ti at ™ (D 5

penfees (tne repenting Mauls) would be a o -n /,rk" ^n-ti^ nl-r- 1) R]ibl -

properer Retirement-, "That will not be %. \ **■ ***b f^i5 ^ P the Su =^ *o<

julr, (faid Ihe)'for I am not a Maid, Timber tor Doors, Window;, asd *1 be fool. °°
neither do I repent." Burgers of iizts. theiy-Ei ie;

Count CfcbifeM, Marfhaj of irance, N. The a'boVJ to be bro'Ugfit ency.
fonnd Verouitf the ftagc>dar.ccr,. one over to 'the Gains at Calcutta, at h'ou'.e rhat

enquire of Mr. Duncan at the Old j y S hereby given, that ch Monday
Piay-Houie. A t: c c^ j^^uary and following

N. B.---Jf not Sold by Private days, the Effects belonging to the

Sale before the end of February, it; Honncrabie Johannes Matthias Rol»
will be fubmittei to Public Outcry Ef.j. Will be expo fed at Public Aue-
by Mr. Duncan. 1 f.cn at Chinlurah—They C-mrft of

Calcutta 17th Dumber. 170!. • Kb niture, Plate, CHINA* Ware,

-----— JdQIJORS of differefit, Sorts, Ca f'ia-

t or ialc by Charles Hell.var : gcs> -iiorfes, (among!*, which aSct of

A^afge quantity of good lea. LravTr
L„,,i Saul Timber, winch E,giilh, l|n
tie has purchaicd or a Gentleman • j ^zj:^"^
lately come down the Country, the c^ dipl|.
Lid Timbers ?ie lving at the Rope *t; = S
Vv'aiK Gaut, abort hair a Aide to GLOBIl. «
the Norihwsrd of SHI key Market,-.. f/jcROo'l^
The p: ice of the Titnbeib are aa.fol- A r ,,c<= +j f
lw?.---Beams 26 roeet long 12 rv = o r;

t 1 t 7 ' c 1 cc=_t CD

inches by 9 Inches, nt b R i^sac:h. ^.j.
28 f 1 12 i's by 9 i's at SR ,9 E ca Rupees.!"* Q ^
2? do. 11 i's bv o i's at dc. 1 c do „, u x .i/E- ir

2 ? go. 10 is by bis at dc. 5 2 do .1 .„ =" o

., , ^ , . cor them, = „ U

2i d,. 10 is oy 7 y at do. 1000 " f =r- ^

t9do. 9 x_s by 7 i_S at oo._7do ^ Mrnt|^ C |

50 ti


CALCUTxA Friatvd by j. A, HICLY, Purft a-ad Isti J?*-i»%? to *h« lif. Q

= E