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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 7.1781

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Calcutta General Advertifer.

A Weekly Political end


Paper, Open to all Parties, but

influenced by None,


From Saturday


3d to Saturday March

ioth 1781.

No. VI*

JIin rs and 0.'>/e>-vcithtsfuhmUu/i-fo thtCmftde-
rati'in tf Government, resetting The
French Island* of Mau?., r-rus and
»vjr6 77* jty is w*'India't by an Inha-
bitant of Calcutta^ .

K¥\3e:£.*& HE Engiilh had formed the
;W ttf Pr'jeif nf making themfe!"ves

T Wa Mailers of the Mauds of

landing.is effecting by the Englifb. Forces, From the LONDON GAZETTE

This is the true Idea we are to form EXTRAORDINARY,
of the Isle cf France; for if we meet Admiralty Office May 25, 1780

with- fome times a print where a Boat <c Captain Uvedale, late Commander of

cannot ■ hind, we are fore to find an his Majvfty,s Ship Ajax, and Captain Basely,

opening within 15 or 20 Yards either to of his Majclty's Ship thePegafus, arrivtd Ists

the fight or left.--.-The Engiilh' there- Jaft Night with Dilpatchps from Admiral

for e need 'never be at the -Hazard of cf- Sir George Brydges Rodney, Bar!. Com-,

finding'a landing-by Force--unlets thsy mander in Chief of his Majefty's Ships at

are too rz{h or ignorant of the fituation the Leeward lilands, to Mr. Stephens, givr-

here laid d<*wn—.-For as it is impofli- ing the following Account of she. Defeat o.

the French to Guard a Coast the French Fleet under the Command of.
that meafures forty League*, th*r«s can- Cottr.tc Guichen.

jfff Rodney to Mr. Stephen:, Sated Sand-
wich off Fort Royal Bay, Martinique,
April 26 1780.

A Sr Miuritius and &*fffl>on, du-
^XIlZM .rin? Ifce kfl War--The

assmijueft of thofe Settlements was cvvrif- { notT.il being m-mv openings and th'fvnc- Extralt cf a Letter frm Sir George End-
ly recommended by 1 He Court or Di- j left Places fit for effecting a Landing.
|rCT.o*5 to the Secret Cammittse of Ma- | During''the InO- war Batt.-rics had been
drai> in the .•ftrongeft terms, by their j est£cd by Be French all ro-ii.d the jfl-

PubKc Letter dated 23I N»v>mb?r 1759, ; an<! wnich pontine only to-the Sf.a, Ajwrr ' ' .". ,- . t ,rt .,

i, ,„„™-c or eh- ;Tm(j !)rjfrr >in . • .- I & « , . t-UNLjfc. acquamtimr their Lord (hips at

it appears at sai time l at t/iHEcrv-rs , could only }nc Upon Ships Anchored* at 7^ •a.r:L „. n,;*, 1 - ~a ci. r.,~

...... rkvfi" «>*(.* ,...•)..,..>,.,,, «, .)„..„ f-oolr 1 *>-<, • ', .,« ... 11. Kj rr.y Arnval a: JJarttadoes and i»t. Luns,

C*ve thefe carnctt , t..5j >, tnoy cooc 1 a n.ftance. or tin Jcr - bail.--Some-able 1 k. « • , r, , f , •

;•, f* r r .,„.„,! ;„ j ^nnWfH-if r!>- Pom 1 t". ' .. ' . , , f ,-, andHalcing upon-mc the Command of his

Vn's VT "ifN.WlV in o -ff-'S 1 Se **?!**d lhlU lIl^13-u; Majelty'$TSh,p,on tlm Station, the Encmv,

' t ereded at a great txpence) Trved , w^ ^ ^ ,->r j,;, b?foie ^

no other purple tut to dev.de the to, ces j ia ,vith shi f thf Lln tn4 c; hc

of the ICandr that they ■ wouM *e left FriCates. full of Tioops, and were in hope*
wfUiout detence, as they were ufe!rl>—
And tJiar they could not ttiift the Fire
cf the S'iipi;, which the belf foitificati-

jrns eannoi ifanj agairifl.--Thefe Rat-

"eries are nuw afeandon'dv and nothing

mov s r 'c-r were already in priiteiaon
o! ;\;:-ii):CHF.RV, but by its hiding;
out so the lift rxrremety, they did not
» • oofTcfliori of iu 'till the t6 J-Jtmacv
,-v.'; wliefi it WjS toft laic fur trie En-
hhth to ex-c ue ;my Eutefpris* oh • the
In ,!.Js of H-.)'_• rbotj and M.iurirhi-s tho'
fi ffrenueuflv recywn^»<!e.J—>-7^W th>'.V

frtiim Eftabiiih-n-nts h.ve ever fince J ha. iw..„ jjbrfiru-f:J in their Room-
been preserved to f***&r - to our very ^ harbour on the North Side .
great a.rd r««< Annoj-an-e. the capiral part of the Iftand, anfi fhou'd

Defcriptlori -of tat flaajw,' ?.nd approtiffl'*
et nf the. faid Ifljnds of -tiewi.i^ the //- v
g/fcfy with which Sir Edward- Hughes
ntiant have- attempted them, with the
very String Farce both of Sari's .and
Tr.;oP3 He fail'd from Europe, vv-th He
b .d under his -Co'nmiaud 5 F«"c>- in every
iefpeit adequate to'the Experiment, and

far' exceeding- th.fi which Ad'J Bofcaweu
Coninian !" ', when he thought it his du-
ty as a Biitifk Admiral not to pafs thofe
3 fi; i n d s -vi n a: t a c ked.
Whoever Surveys the .Coejis <.f the Isle
Sf Frakce mint be aftoniflitd to fiiid
them iiVtR v whkre- -accefiible to JJoats,
tho' they i/re fu>r:oiind«d by R^efs yet

be toe principal object of the Englilh in
their i5ian far an Altack.

The nKijre cf the Gruund will not ena-
ble it' to ftari-1 a Seige, the Ground not
admiiting of its being Fortified in fo ef-
:ual a Manner.-^-»Thev may noffi-

blv fecute it from fa-prize---Bur a

Ctiitta] J'pot in rhe internal part of the
Conntry tvell Fortified, would be their
chief dependence—from whence by means
of oommunicatians property di fooled, the
Fosces of the Colony might be fent with
Expedition to any part where they might
be wanted.

The Country is full of P.avincs and of

here are maoy Bays, where TtyOpt may ; Mountains, which would interupt our

be Landed undci-'ccvcr of the 6'hips Guns. Marching.----But as the white Trocps

In thofe parts <>f the Llan.i wjvere Vef- are to a Man weaiy of their Slavery,, it is

TL sue obliged to keep, further out, the well known they would Df.sf.RT in whole

Sea is fo calm and fmooth 'f.etvvecn the Companv's, on the landing of the Engli/h.

P.ecf and the Land, that BnaU may come The Cofkrevs' and other part of the French

up in the Night without tte ieaft Dan- Garrifon are fo reduced by poord et ill ufage

little or 7J! pay, and being compelled to. work

If in fome places between (he Rrcf in rhe fame, manner as the common floves

ond the Land, the Water is too fiial- in the Welt fndia Jfiands, that no depem-

Jow far the Boats of ■ the Squadron' to dance c.vjld ije placed on them, in cafe

come clofe alhorc—-The Troops may land, of tn Attack, -fcefide an .Engliflj Fie t by

becaufe the Water ,w:M not come vf to their ctit-iiig of ali further fupplys of Provison,

Knees, wou c ccenpeJ a f irrender f.om that circumfl-.

The Sea is fo Calm between th- land a-ce ah'-n» in 3 Months,

and the Reefs, that thi- lading tttky he The Capture of the Oflcrly Itidiaman

effeded with the grea.eft ..fifety.-——'—A and other ftmilar fucceffes -have kept them in

Retreat b mot eafdy feejure^d !ji cafe fpit its—an expedition again'l thefe I (lands

of early refifUncc from the French, *nd U of the uur.oft importance to the India

ftt llozti ;t.1I be iei's expof*;' while :.'ae Coir.panj'i

of furpriziug the 1 fiend, were difappointed in
their views by the good difpofition made of
the Troops bv -General Vaughan, and o?-
thc Ship* by Rear-Admiral Parker. They
rctiied into Fort Royal Bav a few hoius lv-
foFe my Arrival at Gios. Ifiet Bay on th^ .
•27th of March. .;.

As ioon a* the Fleet could poflihly be pot
ready, I determined to leturn their vilsf,
and offer themHatih-; and accordingly, oj»
the 2d-, of April, proeerded with the whole
Fleet off Fort Roy^l Bay, where, for two
Days, I offered the Enemy Battle ; the Flert
being near enough to count all their Guns,
and'at times withm random Shot of lome o.«
their Forts MoniieurdeGuichen, notwitli^
fLnding lus fuperior Number, chofe to re-
main in.Port. I thought it moft proper for.
his Majcffy.'s Service to leave a Squadron of.
copper bottonled Ships to watch the. motions
oftne Enemy* and, and to give me timely
Notice.■ Ihould they attempt to fail. "With
the others I anchored in Gros Ifiet Bay, rea-
dy at a.Moment's Warning to cut or flip, i<*
order to purfue or engage the Enemy fhould
they leave Fort Royal Bay. .

In this Situation, both Fleets remained
Jill the 15th Inftaar, when the Enemy with
their whole force put to Sea in the middle of
Nigrit j immediate Notice cf which being
given me, I followed them, and having
looked into Foit Royal Bay, and the Road
of St. Pierre's, on the 16th we got fight of
them about eight Leagues to Leeward of the
Pearl Rock. A General Chacs to the
North-Weft followed, and at Five in the
Eyeiiinvj we ^plainly d'feovered that they
cdnfilted of twenty three Sail o? the Linr?
one fifty GUn foip, three Frigates, a Lug-
ger and Cutter. When Night came on, I
formed she Fleet in a Line of Batt-;i a-head.
and ordered "the Venus and Grey-hound
t'rigates.So keep fcstweserj &t.s Majeftj's and