Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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lliitvaliiium June*

Januniy 19.53

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Kalimpong -January i, 1953


After going through our leader' of
the list issue a visitor to Kalimpong
came to our office and said she agreed
to everything that weT had written but
would like to add that what was given
out in our leader was only a part of
the. curious things that wove visible
here. As., for example, she pointed
out.the .dirty habit of children * who wore
accustomed to convert all road, side
drains into public latrine where near to
which' fruit a.nd vegetable vendors expose
..their articles for sale. While we quite
agree, with her we would request the
guardians of these children to .give them
•better training .since the guardians and
• not tlie children are in fault.

Then there is the question of cons-
truction of new houses. ' We understand
several,.‘houses in the town are being
> buflit without proper planning and.quite
differently- from what has been sanctioned
by the. municipality. If the municipal
authorities can not *took to this also
we wonder wh'at ’phe can be expected
.’of* them.

It is not our intention to discredit
any cne unnecessarily but we would
certainly like the authorities to remember
that tlmy am responsible for keeping
the city clean and- tidy and maite it
attractive for -visitors.


Kalimpong, Jan. 2
The Pedong Exhibition Committee
in its general meeting held on 29th
ultimo with Sj. S N. Roy, Sub-divisional
Officer, Kalimpong, on the chair, has
decided to hold the 7th annual Exhibi-
tion at Pedong on 21st February, 1953
which will continue upto 24th February

The Working Committee has been
formed with the following personnel :—

1. Sri S. N Rov, Sub Divisional Officer,
Kalimpong, President (Ex:officio).-

2. Sri N, R. Chakravorty, Khasmahal
Officer, Kalimpong. 3. Rai Shahib.
M K. Pradhan, Pleader, Kalimpong. '
4 Kazi S. G. Dorji, Sakyong, Vice-

5. Sri H- N. Chaudhury, Livestock
Officer,- Darjeeling, Hony. General.

0. Sri T Sanding, Sub-diyisional Agri-
cultural Officer, Kalimpong Member.

7. Sri Gajanand Periwal, Pedong,

8. Sri A tang Tshring, Pedong, Member.

9. Sub. Maj. N C. Lama, Pedong, „

m:ws from xkpal

According to a news report, free
movement of rice across the boraer to
Tibet has been banned. Peasants who
bring salt are allowed, however, to take
rice in exchange.

It has been authoritatively stated
that, the present Advisory regime in Nepal
is to continue till the first general elec-
tions, which arc being expedited.

The Nepal Government's budget
estimates from July 1952 to June 1953
show that the total revenue will be Rs.
4;1004 crore and expenditure Rs. 5.2927
crorc, res id ting in a deficit of Rs 1; 1923