Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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February 1, 1003

HjimniBiinu ITiir.i



(From Our .Special Repie.sentative)

Darj«< ling, January

A few trienJs an 1 al-
mirers of Tenzing sherpa
‘‘Tiger” held a reception
at Plivas’ on Monday the
26th January, 1953 to sign-
fv their sincere apprecia-
tion o! his signal achieve-
ment . in climbing Mount
Everest to the highest point -
hitherto attained. The func-
tion was presided over by-

Sri S. Dint Mazumdar,
Deputy C om missi0 ner, 'Dar-

A large and represen-
tative -gathering including
planting community attended
the function. One Mr.

F. ii, Wenckebach, a- menv
ber of the Alpine Club
.who was/ happily in- ..Dar-
jeeling.on a sliort visit also .v
•attended. . ’

Last year Tenzing
added another laurel to his
already magnificient record
as an outstanding high al-
titu'ie climber. \Yi h the
Swiss expo ition. Mr. Ray-
mond Lambert a Swiss
Alpine guide and Tenzing
reached the Inchest point
vet record.ed \ iz. 2 ',215

ft. up the Everest P**ak.

Mrs. Jd C. Handerson
the local l!onv Secretary
of the Himalayan Club
spoke first in , -eulogy of
Tenzing and expressed the
hope that this vear. Ten-

zing with the Biitish ^expe-
dition will conquer the de-
fiant peak. Sri B. B. Chettri
then spoke in Nepali giving
a comprehensive account
of the achievements of
Tenzing in . the face of
extreme. .cliQic.ulti.es . and ,
untold hardship. There-,
after Mr.- Maurice H.yam
our special Representative
touched upon the qualities
of Tenzing rot only as a
superior mountaineer •but as
a' man, as- a husband, and ■
as a father, .whose- extra-.'
ordinary humility had .kept
him out of , the' limelight
0.^ public recognition' and
in, fact had forced -him ,to
Je;id a 1 If e . o t* coin paratiye
povi-rtv. In any other part
..of rj e wo Id such a persoi’-
wnn-ld he. reckoned amongst
the upper- strata of, the
popt 1 la t-i on. lie the ft* f.o uy

suggested that a Commi-
ttee. Tc formed fmwith with
the Deputy Commissioner
as Cline man" and Mrs. J. C.
HendeAson as Secretary In
tike" 11 r> Ivs .<;ase s'rnnglv
with lie Himalavan Club,
Alpine Club an l it necessary
tlie Government of India,
so-that he mav be suita-
Hv provided tor when he
has to cease his vocation
due. to accident, or old age
Tie suggestion made bv
Mr. Hymn was strongly


(From Our Correspondent)

Siliguri, Jan. 21

Three persons have .
been arrested here re-
cently one with an injury
by arrow on tho side of
hi? eye-brow in connection
with a dacoity' committed
recently in a village, under
Thdkurganj P. S. in Behar.
It is stated that the per
sons after committing da-
coity- took shelter'in this
town and the local police
some how get scent of
it and arrested them witli
; some stolen property. It,
is alleged that when the
dacoits attacked the house,
villagers' became alert and
chased the dacoits with
. la,this and hows & arrows
and one of the villagers
hit u dacoits by throwing
an'1 arrow. It is also sta-
ted that one of the arres
te.d persons has made
confession to the police.

suppvTled bv sliri N. L.
Saida who emphasised fhr
immediate lormaviou ot a

The Deputy Commi-
ssioner made a deal little-
speech in conclusion and
atter haying prcScn.ed Ten-
zing with memontjoa which
his trien ’s and admirers
had coiled ed. formed a
small Committee.

With a vote of thanks
bv Mr. Geo. Racial, the
function came to its end.