Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March I, 11)53

Simula nan (Times




( By Our Stuff Reporter )

Kalimpong, Feb. 2b

The Annual Redoig Exhibition was
held in Pedong from 22nd to 25th inst Dr
11. Ahmed, ^1 inister for Agri^iltuie &
Co-operation. Govt of West Bengal per-
formed the opening ceremony and Sri
S. Putta Majumdar, l.A Deputy Com-
missioner. Darjeeling was the chief guest.'

The function' started with a Puja of
Damsong Deity by the people of Pedong
on 22nd morning

Dr, Ahmed arrived in Kalimpong on
21st evening In the next morning he
visited the L>eal Demonstration Farm
from where he drove straight to Pedong.
After Hoisting of National flag . and.
garlanding a address of welcome' was
presented to Dr., Ahmed drawing his,
attention to some urgent .needs of Pedong
such as water and fertiliser Depot tljere.


By ‘0.18 wiD knows ,

1. It is gratifying to see that the
Municipal authorities have taken interest
in changing the looks, of the ChOwras'ta,
but canno^ someth nc be done to prevent
little and sometimes big boys from jum-
ping on the benches which have just been
painted ? If these little things are not
looked into then all efforts- of the ^Muni-
cipality will go in . vain.

It is hoped that the public will also
extend their co-operation in -stamping
su3h indiscipli'ned practices.

2. Time and again questions have
been asked under this caption, but no
answer have come forward. Are there
any reasons for this ? or are the ques-
tions uncontradictable ? It is hoped that
questions under this caption will be an-
swered bv those concerned.


Replying to the welcome address Dr.
Ahmed said tfiat the local farmersinnist
follow the scientific process for increasing
their yield and should not proceed with
the old method of farming. He advised
the -farmers and the people present to
learn something from the things exhibi-
ted in this exhibition otherwise there is
no' use of holding this exhibition here.
He said that if we want a good crop
we must apply a good fertiliser and he
requested the farmers to go and see the
crop grown on scientific method in the
Govt. Demonstration Farm at Kalimpong
where every kind of experiment is per-
formed by the Govt. ‘You should grow
more food to retain the ancient glory
of India’, he said. He concluded his
speech by thanking all the men k women

(From Our-- Special Representative )

Darjeeling, Feb 20

On 21-2-1953, the Sadar Excise raided
several houses in - Rhasinanhatta in the
town. The raid was conducted by the
Sadar Sub Inspector, Sri K. G. Das and
was later joined by the District Superin-
tendent cf Excise.

Four Illicit distillation cases were '
detected and 8 maunds of wash with 3
sets of distilling aparatus and nearly one
gallon of finished liquor was seized. In
tliis connection 7 persons were arrested
2 of whom were released on bail while
the other 4 were remanded to polioe
custody, one person is absconding.

the formal opening of t ho exhibition was
performed by him.

After members of the Managing Com- The Exhibition concluded on 25th
mittee were introduced to Dr. Ahmed inst.