Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March 1, 1953

ifiimalauau (Times



KaUmpom] March 1, 1953


YVe read in the papers a few days
before that Orissa lias, no godowns left
to store her rice. All other states seem
to have self sufficiency in foodstuffs.
The Government of Orissa have asked
West Bengal to lift her quota immedia-
tely ■ so that godowns may be cleared
to. store up,the . newly procured stuff.
Not to spe'ak of other stales, even Siliguri
in West Bengal, is not in want of rice.
Rjee .'Sells .there in the open market and
yet movement towards the rationed area
inn.restricted.; This is ati -unnecessary
harrasment to. the public. We do not
mejfn to blame the local authorities .in
change of the rationing but the Go\;t.
policy itself slaould be eliivnged.. Wheat
products 'are 'controlled but rationshops
have to request card holders to lift Mie
whbat product. In the hill area rice is
the only foodstuff which the people find
it difficult to obtain. The employees in
the rationing depart merit may be affected
but in the interest of the people at
large, control system^sliould-go as early as


(From Our Correspondent)

Kurseong, Keb. 2A
A big, cosmopolitan gatherum attended
the wedding of the only son °of Sardar
ib liijung Lha c.f Kurseong and the third
daughter of Kongyu Lha Tsheriug the
A-st. Director, ’ Subsidiary Intelligence
Bureau, Govt, of India at Kurseoim on
-3rd inst. 'I'he I'arjeeling Singhi Dance
entertained to Guests.

Central Public Works Department


Sealed tenders are invited from the
approved C.P.VY.D, State P.W.D., Rail-
way and M.E S. contractors for the works
noted below.

Tender forms will be sold on payment
of Rs.«V- each in cash from the office
of the undersigned.

'fenders will bo received upto 12 noon
of 10-3 53 and opened on the same day
at 1 P.M

l enders papers in P W 1). 0 & S can
fbe seen in the office of the undersigned.

Earnest money should either he given
in cash with the tenders or requisite
amounts credit iu the Imperial Bank of
India, Darjeeling or Reserve Bank of
India, Calcutta in favour of the Execu-
tive Engineer, Assam t'.P.W.D., Gangtok
and receipted chalans attached with the

No cheque will be accepted.

Name of work : 1 Laying 3 4 pre- *
mixed carpet between miles 7 to J5 of
K.G.C-. Road National Highway No. 31 A
Estimated, cost Rs. 1,02,677/- Earnest
money Rs.8,134-

Executive Engineer,

Assam Central P.W. Divn. Gangtok

“WANTED * trained Graduate, pre-
ferably a Science Graduate,
to teach High "School Classes on a fixed
monthly salary ol Rs 100/- (one hundred)
with .0"o Dearness and House allowances.
No travelling expenses for any interview
required. Applications in the candidates
own handwriting must reach the under-
signed on or before the 10th of March,
1953. Ram Ayodhya Sinha, * Secretary,
Hindi M. E. School, Darjeeling.”