Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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March 1, 1953

tiiiuiaiaijiiu lilacs

India, along with the Governments of
Bihar and West Bengal provide the
finances in certain proportions. The Chair-
man and two members of the Corpora-
tion are appointed by the Central
Government in eonuitation with the
West Bengal and Bihar governments.
Likewise, the Secretary and Financial
Adviser also are nominated by the Central
Government. The D. V. C. has been
granted two loans totalling $38 million
from the Internationa) Bank of Recons-
truction and Development.

Bokaro Piwer Station

The Bokaro Thermal Power Station,
which has began to function from 22-2-53
is one of the biggest plants in the East.
Starting with a unit of 50,001) K\\ it
will, by .Line, be equipped, with another
two units, each of the same capacity.
A fourth unit will.,.be .installed at. a
later date. Thus the total capacity of
the station will be 200.000 KW. produ-
cing 020 KW.. per annum.

The plant will run on low-grade coal
obtainable at the Corporation s mines,
five mile, away, and brought to the site
by au aerial ropeway, ' The energy pro-
duced will be ^distributed over an area
of about 25,000 sq. miles. The small
township round Bokaro enjoys all modern
facilities including a hospital, post office
and a school.

Tilaiya Dam

The I ilaiya Dam’s reservoir holds
promise of developing into a picturesque
holiday resort It submerges an area of

14.000 acres and stores 320,000 acie
feet of water. During Kalii it will help
irrigate 75,000 acres and during Klianf

24.000 acres. Power generation per annum
will be 2.277,000 KW

Begun in 1949, .the dam is 94 feet
high ire m the - river lied to the road
level. With a length of 510 fret, it has
abutments which measure 407. ft. on tile


right and 230 it on the left. The width
at the bhse is 127 feet and at the road
lave] 12> ft.

Konar Rises

On the Konar river 15 miles
above its confluence with the Damodar,
is springing up the next important pro-
ject, the Konar Dam, Us height between
the river bed and the road level will be -
156 ft. It will be 860 ft. long. The, earth-
embankments will, extend to 4,000 ft.
on the left and 5,800 ft. on the right
and saddle dykes to 2 200 ft. It will
fan rniti from- a width of 2u feet at the
top to 200 feet at tile’ base. " 'The re-
servoir will have a storage capacity of
260 000 acre feet and submerge an'area
of 6,600 acres The irrigated area will
be 104,000. acres, 68,000 during tile Raid
season and 38,000 during Kharit. 'Hie
Bokaro power station will be supplied
with cooling water from''this project to
tlie extent of 40J ousefcs daily The
D. V.'C. plan to complete the dam by
the end of 1953

Maithon Project

On the borders of Bihar and West
Bengal, 8 miles up the Barakar from its
joining the Damodar, the third of the
four projects, the Maithon Dam, is coming
up and is scheduled (o be completed in.
1954. It will be partly concrete and
and partly earthen. Both sections will
have a height of 158 feet. The concrete
spillway will be 622 feet long while the
main earth dam will be 2,005 feet. The
lengths of the non-overflow dams on the
west will be 408 feet and oil the east
270 feet. Dykes measuring 5,900 feet on
the west and 1 690 ft. on the east with
a breaching dyke of 878 - feet will help
form the reservoir of the dam. W.tli a
roadway on the top of 25 fe-l width,
the main earth dam will lie 910 feet
at the base and the concrete section 350
feet, including the stilling pool. Submer-
ging au area of 26.528 acres, tlie re-