Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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July 10, 1053

"ait (times

Kalimpong July 19, 1953,•


Molotov's .refusal to accept. U. S. food for

• East,. Germany is obviously calculated to create

• the impression that the economic condition of
Soviet Russia' and .her satellites is 'as good as
tho communists would like the world to believe.
But. a large number of refugees pouring almost

• daily into the western zones toll revealing tales
of acute scarcity, increasing inflation and low
standard of living in the workers's “paradise”.
The puppet East German Government has declared
that the Germans are getting food from Russia
all right. Attempts to keep people semi-starved
and .hungry for political reasons cannot succeed for
long. Have not the people of Eastern Europe already
begun to rise in. revolt ? Fooling has its limits.


I Keaari Chand Botlira, General (
Manager of Messrs Kodamul Jethrnul §
Bolhra of [ Kalimpong died of In art
trouble on July 8, 1953 at bis residence p
in Bikaner at ’the ripe old. age of 7-1 ^
He' leaves, behind him his three sons, £
three daughters and a number of grand- t
children, friends fc admirers to mourn
his -death. A .man of exemplary cha-
racter he was loved by all who came
in contact with him; and his wonderful
management of the affairs of Tibet
Cotton Cloth and. Yarn Supply Syn
dicate for the USst eight years will ever
remain a cherished memory with both,
the officials arid non-officials. We convey
Our heart, felt sympathy to the mem-
bers of the bereaved family and to the
firm of M s Kodamul Jethrnul who by
this death find a supporting column
missing from beneath ^their business'
edifice so diligently nursed by the late
. Kesarichaud Jee during his 2-1 years
stuy in Kalimpong


The Editor it not responsible for views trprtssed in thii column
Ed. II. Timet


Sir. In regard to the discussion
going on about Nationality for the sake
of Europeans who may not know all
the circumstances it should be known
that nationality which is what you are
born with does not change when you
take citizenship in another country.
Many British people have become Indian
citizens but they retain their nationality.
So do people of other nations.

Also it is not widely known that
Nepal is as 6eparato country to Tudia
as is Japan Neither Nepal nor Bhutan
are States of India. Gurkha, the common
name for Nepalese regiments may com-
prise many tribes of Nepalese such as
Rai, Limbu etc as well as Gorkhas: all
are Nepalese but all are not Gurkhas
and all remain Nepali whatever religion
they belong to. Your etc, Hon’ble Miss
Marry H. Scotts.


Sir. It is reliably understood that a
Darjeeling M. L A , visited the Victoria
Hospital on 11-7-53, at 10 p. m. It is
also learnt that ho did not seek tho
permission of the Civil Surgeon, who is
in charge of the hospital, to visit the
hospital at that hour when most of the
patients are fast asleep If the M.L.A.

. so desired to seek any information, could
not he have visited the hospital during
the visiting hours ?

Has an M L.A. the authority to
visit hospitals or any other institution
at any time he desires without seeking
the permission of the authorities concerned?

It is tegretted that the M L A.
should have taken this step particular
when the.Civil Surgeon was away on tour.

It is hoped that the authorities
will seo that patients are not disturbed
at night. Yours etc. One who is aggrieved.

FOR EFFICIENCY & SERVICE: Consult Darjeeling Radio Co, Darjeelina