Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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July H), 1053


(From Our Correspondent)
Gangtok, July 11

Birthday celebration
of Sri Bhanu Bhakta
Acharya, the first Nepali
national poet was cele-
brated on July 12 in the
Apatan Sahitva Parishad
Office at Gangtok. The
function which was largely
attended, was presided over
by R. P. Aliev, the presi
dent of the Parishad. After
ceremonial garlanding of a-
picture ot the poet, Sri K.
11. I’radhan, in a short
speech paid tribute to the
poet. He said that there is
not a Nepali hduse where
at least one copy of Bhanu
Bhakta’s Ramayana was
not found kept for daily
recitation or at least, for,
worshipping? there is not
a single Nepali — literate
or not —who cannot recite
at least a verse front Iris
Ramayana. Healso advised
the young writers to follow
the simple arid sweet lan-
guage of Sri Bhanu Bhakta
and appealed to then' to de-
vote at least a few hours
every week on social wel-
fare works Sri rC H. Rai,
Dr R K. Dewan, Sri P S.
Subba and others also
spoke. Sri R. P. Alley said
that pre-Bhanu Bhakta
Nepali writers wrote or
composed in Sanskrit nr
Hindi. It was Bhanu Bhak-
ta who wrote and pub-
lished the whole Ramayana

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(From Our Correspondent)

Gangtok, July 11
It has been reliably
learnt that the first sess-
ion of the State Council
will met- at Gangtok on
Almost 7, 1053, in the new
picturesque Council House.
After oath taking, the 17
member Council will be
addressed by the Maharaja
and will adjourn to meet
next day for business.


(From Our Coivespondeht)'

Gangtok, July II
The working Commi-
ttee of the Sikkim State
Congress has elected Sri
Kashi Raj Pradhan as the
leader of the Sikkim State
Oongiess Council Party. It
has also pass°d a resolu-
tion expressing- its deep
sorrow on the sad demise,,
in detention in Kashmir,
■rf Sri , 'Slivama Prasad
Mukerjoe, a leading mem-
ber of the Indian Parlia-
ment and conveying its
heart-felt sympathy with
the bereaved family. In
yet another resolution the
committee1- congratulated
Sri Tenzing Norkey Sherpa.
a son of the. Himalayas,
for his haying conquered
Mount Everest, the high-
est mountain peak in the

in simplo and sweet lan-
guage and made it so
popular. Melodious sweet
songs on Bhanu Bhakta
were sung by young mem-
bers of the Parishad.



at kurseong

(From Our Correspondent)

Kurseong, July 12
Bhanu Jayanti the
birthday of . Poet Bharyp-
bliakta the National poet
of the Nepalis, was cele-
brated here this afternoon
at the Raj Rajeshwari
Hall nnder the auspices
of the local Chatra Sangb.
SrimatiMaya DeviChettry,
M. P. presided over the
function. The local stu-
dents had drawn out an
interesting programme for
the occasion which, inclu-
ded recitations, dances
songs and one act plays.
These were very much
appreciated by the
audiance. . .


i (From Our Correspondent)

Gangtok, July II
When the match bet-
ween K.S.C.‘A’ end Cen-
tral was being played on
July!!, the centre of K.S.C.
team rushed towards the
Goal keeper of the Central
team, who had just saved
a goal. Both fell to the
ground. Their legs were
so intertwined that the
goal keeper’s leg was bro-
ken. The two players
Chhewang and Sonant
Dahdul are said to be
• related. The fracture was
X’rayed and found to be
simple. Sri Chhewang is
in plasters and progress-
ing in the Hospital.

EARLY REPAIRS PROLONG RADIO LIFE — Darjeeling Radio Co., Darjeeling