Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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September 20, 1953


Patna, Sept." 15
The Everest eonquerer
Sherpa Tenzing N orkey,
who is in Darjeeling'these
days is contemplating to
undertake all India tour
in the near future. He
has also expressed his will-
ingness to visit the ancient
city af Patliputra soon.

The Patliputra Club,
which has decided to ac-
cord a civic reception to
Tenzing is making pre-
parations to give him a
rousing reception. On be-
half of the club an ‘Ashoka '
pillar will be presented
which is being prepared
by the the Cottage Indus-
tries Department of the
the Mysore state.

Output of Power in India

During May, 1953 the
output of power in India
rose by about 211.0 million
kWh as compared to April,
1953, duq to increased
production in the States
, of Madras and U. P. The
total number of units ge-
nerated by 620 underta-
kings was 560.4 million
liVyb, of which fOO.lmillion
kWh.were,sold to ultimate

• / 'L’he 'corresponding

figures of output and sale
for May, 1952, are 514 4
million kWh and 413.1
million kWh, and for May,
1939. 218 0 tiiTilion, kwh
, and 180.8 million kWh



The Andhra State will
be 3,274 square miles larger
than the residuary Madras,
but its population will be
about 40 per cent less.

As the people of new
State will not tolerate any
non-Andhra, they w ill soon
launch a scheme to ‘‘Grow
More Children” to solve
.the under-population prob-
lem and as the State will
be a deficit one, the Centre
will always be ready to
finance such a plan.

* * *

Mr A. K. Fazlul Haq
has appealed to all leftist
parties in Pakistan to
build up a united front
against the Muslim League.

But the trouble with
the other parlies is that
they do not know how.
long the Bengal lion will
remain in that front.

* * *

East. Pakistan’s Eves
have been succeeded in
delaying bill desinged to
withdraw frfnn wives the
right to register nil out
right divorce but instead
to give two months notice
to their husbands to get
rid of them.

While paid servants are
required to give one
months', notice volunteery
partnership in which no
settlement of accounts is
involved should be allowed
to end at any time

Darjeeling, Sept. 18
The Government ot \Y est
Bengal have decided to sell
5 grains tablets of quinine
hydrochloride B. P. packed
iii screw capped amber
coloured phials, containing
25 tablets each, at the rate
of Rs 1/4 - per phial. A
discount will be allowed at
the rate of -/2/- per phial
on the above selling rate
for buyers of 1-2 phials
at a time. It may bo
mentioned in this connec-
tion that quality of these
tablets is as good as that
of the beat foreign pro.
duets and the price much

This product as well as
all other quinine salts, can
lie purchased from the Go-
vernment Quine Sale De-
pot, Old Hindustlian Buil-
dings, Calcutta 13.

Allahabad, Sept. 14
Tenzing Norkey, the
Everest hero, will under-
take an all-India tour
sum ■ time in November,
it is learnt

In reyiy to an invita-
tation from Niriila Pan-
shad a cultural associa-
tion of Allahabad, to visit
the holy city Tenzing Nor-
key wrote that he had
received numerous invita-
tions from friends and
well-wishers all over India
“lherefore, I am plan-
ning t.o make an all-India
tour in a very near future.”

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