Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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rflimnlitijan lEimfe

Novtmbcr lo, 1933



Kurseong has verily
1 thrown itself into the
spirit of DIWALI as
though nothing else were
of any importance. The
scenes through which I
have traversed in these
past few days have been
tinged with enchantment.
It would be hard for me
to recapture all that I
have seen within the space
allotted to ine.

The sun blazed in its
full glory .and the air itself
had an exhilaration that
filled everybody with zest,
'as they breathed it. And
tho. nights,' 1 gazed at
the I tilyria'ds of-lights and
foipid it difficult to con-
vince myself' that I was
in .the midst 'of reality
and not in a dream . The
bazaar was a mass of men,
women and /'children of
■many diff-rent racts and
faiths but tnis made no
distinction bn ween them
"• anti, was welcomed by all.
It was as it1 should be
this human comradeship.
The warmth of this gene-
ro'us emot n was sufficient,
to lighten a weary step
and to bring happ ness to
every humble home. .

We live.in the midst
of stra n and anxiety and
h-tror and never, never


Kurseong, November 10

know what is coming next
,but somehow this grand
festival of DIWALI made
people forget their hard
ships. It was, indeed a
huge success !


This is a festival of
lights too 1 The tribal
folk celebrated it on the
4 th of November. Sm
Sav'tri Devi, the Presi-
dent of the Kurseong Lep-
rha Association and mem-
ber of the Tribal Advisory
Council of \Mest Bengal,
conducted the affairs.

A hundred and eight
lights signified the presence
of one family attending
the function so von can
• just well imagine the array
of lights when practically
all the tribals of thetiwn
and its precincts turned
out. The glare lit, tho
face of everyone with in-
fectious and unrestrained
parity. generating a fine
spirit of brotherhood in
the process.

The plot of land, bv
tile way, on which M tNAY
is celebrated is a gift given
by the grandfather of the
present Maharaja of Bttrd-


A charity performance
wms held on the 7tli


November at tho Raj-
rajeshwari Hall. It was in
aid of Sri Jadunath Ku-
shaii who lias been
ailing for some considera-
ble time with a malignant
growth of the lungs

The response was won-
derful. The hall was pac-
ked to capacity. 1 he
people who attended are
to be thanked for their
support. For the occasion
fascinating “ DEB DAS
dramatised by Sri Sachen
Sen Gupta from the ori-
ginal novel of Sarat Chan-
dra Ohatterji, was staged
by the members of the
Bengali Association, Kur-
seong. Though there ama-
teurs, they give the per
tormance of th-nr lives in
this moving drama, and,
indeed, made it a memora-
ble triumph.

Sri Benoy Bannerji.
in the steliar role df
DEBDAS gained unstinted
admiration for his wonder
ful portrayal. Others who
achieved equal success and
lent force to tho progra-
mme weie Dr. R N. Hai-
der as Basanta, Sri Kali
Bat nerji as Chunila! and
Sri Janardhan Ghatterji
in the role of Dharmadns.
Worthy of special mention
too are Messrs Kumar
Ghosal and Sisir Chakra-
burty in their roles of
