Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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IGght Ifim-.dnmin Irimcs November 15, 1953

Darjeeling, November 8

Twenty-five Indian farm
boys are to be .selected,
preferably from Communi-
ty Project or National
Extention Service Blocks,
to go to tbe United States
on April 15 under tbe
International Farm Youth
Exchange Programme spoil-'
sored by. the National -!-H
Club Foundation of U S..A.
They will learn about
American Farm life and
farm people by spending
five or six months as work-
ing guests of American
Farm families. When they
return to. their own farms
in India they will help
in organising young farm-
ers clubs and improve
farm life in their home
communities. ■

Applicants' must, bo 20
.to, 28 years old, of good’
character, . in ’ excellent
health, able to apeak Eng-
lish and competent to pro-
mote‘rural yoiith activities
in In lia ‘after return Pre-
ference Will be given to
boys from-small or medium
sized farms vydro will re-
turn to their own • farms
in India. Applicants must
be still in College and they
, must not utilize this pro-
'granTme for see,king admis-
sion into American Uni-
versit'es or for seeking a
job when they returft to

The cost of travel from
New Delhi to the selected
American farms and return

to New Delhi will be paid
bv the National 4 H Club
Foundation which is a
privately financed agency
affiliated with the United
States Agricultural Exten-
sion Servicein Washington.

* Free health insurance will
also be provided. The
American host farmer and
his family will give free
room and board, but each
Indian farm boy must take
with him at least Its 1 200/-
and preferably Rs.2,000/-
of his own money to cover
any expenditure for cloths,
entertainments, Camera,
films, local travel und
other incidental expenses
which he may wish to
mike while in the United

The applications con-
taining following particu-
lars: (a) Name (in block
letters); (b) Father’s name
(in block letters) (o\ Ad-
dress; (d) date of birth ;
(e) Are you married : {f)
present ocrupat inn- 'g E-bi
cation (Examination passed
with subjects, year and
division); hT where is your
farm situated, (i) area of
the farm (j) principal pro-
ducts with yields (k) what
farm jobs you have actu-
ally done: (P references of
two important persons who
can testify to your cha-
racter and attainments,
(ml are you able to obtain
at. least Rs. 1,2<I0/- for
clothing and any other

exhibition of sculptures


An exhibition of modern
sculptures in stones, plaster,
bronze, clav, wood or anv
such material and I nhoto-
graohs of ancient sculptures
arranged in, chronolo ical
order representing various
schools of art is proposed
to be held under the aus-
pices of tile Ministry of
Education, Government of
India, at J.cpnr House,
New Delhi, tor about- a
month sometime early next
year, Ten prizes with cer-
tificates of merit will be
awarded to the first ten
best sculptures. The prizes
are valued at Rs. i,ooo.
Rs. 750; Rs.-soo; Rs 400;
Rs.. 350; Rs. ®o; Rs. 250
Rs. 150 and Rs. 100/-

The exhibits will be
selected bv /a Selection
Committee airpifinted for
purpose and theN-cost of
transport of the selected
exhih-ts to an ! from the
exhibition, .-.-ill he borne bv
the Government of In da.
In addition to transport
charges, the Gov rnment
will also contribute three
inter class railway (ares
for one artist who will he
allo-.ved to acrompanv the

incidental expenditure
which you may wish to
make in U.S.A. must rea di
the Superintendent of Agri-
culture of the district
concerned by November 20,
1953, at the latest
