Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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December 20, 1953

JSiimtlagati ctiinrs



( From Our Correspondent )

Siliguri, December 18'

One Muskdeer and
one Goral have been Bent
to Alipore Zoological gar-
den by a chatered plane
on morning of Dec. 11
from Bagdogra airport.
These rare and valuable
species have been presen-
ted to Alipore Zoological
garden by Shri S. Dutta
Majumdar, I.A.S., Deputy
Commissioner, Darjeeling
who captured the Musk-
deer alive last April at
an altitude of 14,000 ft.
while at trek in Eastern.
Sikkim near Tibet border-
and the Goral, a wild-
goat from Singel T. 1C.
of Kurseong at an altitude,
of 4UU0 ft. [lltuskdter is
a high altitude animal
available between .12 to
15 thousand ft. elevation
and Goral available in
Himalayas' is known as
“Himalayan Chromium” j

It is leart that Alipore
Zoological garden bad mo
Muskdeer in its life and
the Goral. for the last. IS
years. It is gathered from
Sri Dutta Majumdar that
the authorities have made
special arrangements for
housing these two rare
and valuable tmimals.

Capt. Bhattacharje,
Veterinary Surgeon, Dar-
jeeling and Mr. J 1). Mac-

dopaid,. Manager, Govt.
Cinchona Plantation Mun-
song looked alter the
animals for several months
so as to acclimatise ihem
on their eventual transfer
to Calcutta.

# * #

A very interesting
theft has been committed
in the house of Hr N. R.
Bose here on the night
of Dec. 11 and 40 tolas
of Gold ornaments, some
clothings,, one pen, one ,
wrist watch and about
. Rs. 250/- in cash have'
been stolen. It. in stated
that, at about, 4 a. m Dr.
Bose woke up to find the
two doors of his room
open. ■ At once he
began to Verify-his belong-
ings and to his,, utter
surprise .he saw that'two'
, of his trunks were missing.

T he missing, trunks were
found, in the vicinity of'
.his house. It ."is said
, that the dents' and the
windows oi his house were
intact and nr,tampered It
lias nut yet li-en ascertain-
ed Imw the misrireantenler-
rd ‘into tlie .room Police
investigation is go fig on,

* «■

Under the anti-mala-
rial scheme of Wi st Ben-

gal Govt, several mosquito-
killing-squads have been
engaged in this Snb-Divi-
siofi and they art) spraying
D. D..T. regularly in tho
houses. This year there
has been a marked increase
in malaria throughout
the Sub-Division and the
Mosquito 'Killing Squads
are expected to be able
in lowering- of the io.ci-
denee of the desease.

* * » .

According, to a report
leceiv.ed litre from Maina-
guri of Jalpaiguri district
One labourer was arresti il
in the 1st week of Dec.
on allegation of theft hut
later on his dead body
was handed over to his
relatives for cremation. It-
is reported that the rein- -
lives of the dead man.
have filed , a suit .against
. the.,Police of M&inaguri in
Jalpaiguri Court;



A m untaiiiiering ins-
titute would be set, up
at Darjeeling in 14)54,
according to Mr. K. D.
Malaviya, Deputy Minister
of Education.

Replying to Mr. B. V-
Kakilaya in the. Council
of State the Deputy Minis-
ter said that Mr. Tenzing.
Mr. Glatthard, of tho
Swiss mountaineering
school, and Major Jayal,

(Continued on j-trje 5}
