Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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( From Our (Vrre*|»ondimt )
Siliguri, January 14

from a very trilfe ma-
lt rr bt'lwM a purchaser
and a potato-seller at Sili-
guri Be'/.ar on Jan. 13
Communal tension rose to
a high) pi'ch which (level-
oped into disturbances in
the bazar area at 0-30 a m.
llesides iome shops beinit
ransacked, attempts weio
mailt' to set fire to a
number of shops of which
one tea stall near railway
crossing was completely
gutted. In cisturbancts
eo it inned for about ttree
ho irs ami at 'east for 2
hours the entire bazar was
under" the control 1 f nn
r :lly mo'i. About 20 per-
sons received injury of
which 3 were admitted in
the Hospital Knd others
piv n first aid. A man
with h six bore revolver
was arrested on the charge
of threatening police .on .
the point of it. The reason
i f eontinilin" disturbance
for It m: is nttribui d to
osnftii i'pt police force
kept hi this town. fOBl«

pr< mil «nt young men of
■ he t*-wn fought bravely
to pacify the untidy mob
and th y suee'eded on
sev cal occasion*.'' Timely
arrival of Fto hr'igiroV
also aveited th« spread
of (ire sot to a' o is. A med

forces™ from Bengdui Mo-
b lisation Camp, Darjeelitig
and Jalpaii/uri were requi-
sitioned. Order under Sec-
tion 144 Cr. P. C. was
promulcatod in Municipal
area prohibiting assembly
of 5 persons on public
roads following the start
of disturbances. While
S. DO., Sjliguri was pro-
ceedtng to thana his jeep
was su> rounded by'unruly
mob aud the driver of the
jeep rece ived injury In his
hand. ". About a dozen nun
were arrested in this con-
neclion and many lathiti
ami lethal weapons' were

The entire bazar at 2
p in was looking like : a
vacated battle field wh< re
innumeiahle brick bats and
stones, broken glasses like
snnu dust, burnt and ran-
sacked articles, broken
furniture and. rods were
lying scattered here and
there .on the nic1*

.f>/i. and S P., Darjee
ling visited ...the ' affected
area at 3 p nr. arid held V
closed door conference with
the leading citizens of ad
^bmmunii.es in the evci-
.inf., I» is reported that-
'leaders- present ip- the
conference demanded -a-
pr q>er enq.iiry about the

With effect front; Jari-
uary IS, 1054, wheat and
wheatrprcduc'.B shall no
more be sold from .Ration
Shops as rationed"coutmo-j.
dities in the Calcutta
Industrial Area and the
statutorily rationed towbs"
of Darjeelitig. Kalirrfpong
and Kurseong. Accor-
dingly wheat and wheat
products will, with effect
from January 18 be avai-
lable for retail sale through
normal trade channels in
the free-market with-
out atiy quantitative limit
and without requiring pro-
duction of Ration Cards
and only rice shall be
sold from Ration Shops
in the above areas as a
rationed commodity accor-
ding to the existing scale
of I seer 5 ehataks on
each two-unit Ration Can!
and 11 ehataks on ea-o!
one-unit Ration card.

incident: to find out, the,
root of desturbanee which
waatakingplace every-year
from the IJijiyai Day- .of"
1951 'and tj punish the
ring-leaders ho that such
incident might not take
place in future.

: Most of the shops in the
bazar area wen- opened
in the evening and tie
nrrmal life of the town
was seen letttrnihg from
the following morning.

DARJEELtti R 110 CO., DUUEELlNG t!ie pioneer radio concern of Darjeeiing district