Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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January 17, Ad~>i

Stmalattan (fimes



■ ( Continual from last week )

Education : I mprovement
of the existing Primary
School* Secondary Schools
and establishmentofJunior
Basic Schools are the three
major lines on which
attention hns been con-
centrated. Under the first
category fall ■ 10 schools
id each rtlock. except Gusb-
kara, which haH 11 such
schools Besides, 34 Secon-
dary school have been
improved and 3 Junior
Basic Schools established.

Social Education In this
sphere, two important
schemes those of audio-
visual propaganda unci c cm
inanity recreation centies

are still pending, the for-
mer depending us it.does,
on the receipt of proper
equipment and the latter,
on the construction of
tow nships. The main work
however, ha* gone ahend.
tine lium'ie.i and eighty.'
seven Social Kduofction
entities have been opened,
not inclutljOjj-ihe ordii ary
nigiit.echools' I he number
of persona made, literate
thiongh the mediurli. of
such centres is 2,561.

Communication : ConntMic-
tion of pucca road9 was^
to begin after the rainy
i en on.. Such woi k has

already bu n tukej; up, in
varying degrees, in Jhar-
grsm Baruipur and Fulia.

As regards kutcha roads,
59,j miles of such roads
have been construct* d
entirely through voluntary
labour rendered by the
local people. Bridges and
culverts, in accordance
with plans prevously laid
down are to be provided
at Government cost.

Arts. Crafts & Industries :
This section may be divii
ded into two sub-section j
(a) village arts crafts and
Industries, (b) establish
ment of medium and small
scale industries in the
township In the: former
sphere 142 application*
have b en received for tlie
grant, of financial assis-
tance to the exietinc rural
industries In latter simi-
larly, - applies tot.is are under
examination Loan trarfV.
about' Rs one lakh hiuj
been advanced for im-
provement of industries
in FU'.ia "..from fnnrla niarfe
available-. l*y the Reha b'i•
btafion Ministry.- Besides
there are at present peri-
pa-elie . weaving, tanning
and palingur centres pf the
Industries Pirecror-ate.

Works: Land acquisition,
levelling "of land, Jungle

clearance, construction of
roads etc which are.' the,-
prihminary steps towards
establishment of townships,'
are being undertaken tri-
al I the blocks Electricity'
is supposed to go hantl
in hand with the actual
construction Of the town-
ship. It has already been
provided in part of the
existing Baruipur town, as
well as in the Birnagar
Municipal area. , • ■

People's participation : The

contribution from the local
people themselves is reali-
sable in terms of either
labour, cash or materials
'1 he voluntary labour
offered is estimated to be
worth Es "; 1.69,000: The
cash contribution so far
realised has been Rs 92.000
and the value-.of materials
donated is worth Rs 88,000.
All in all,. 4 total of lis.
3,54,000 has thus far been-
rrtade available audi con.
t-ribution of ten being the
precondition of 'any
development work- e.g.'
construction.pf roads sink
ing of tubew.ells' etc.

.'For Furniture, Cabinets,
Printing lilocks Engray-
' Trig,,.Carving, Sculptures,
Painting etc.

PUasp semtact .-

C/o Himalayan Stores

FAULY REPAIRS PROLONG RADIO LIFE — Darjeeling Radio Co., Vjarjeeling