Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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March 21, lyoi


. Kalimptmij, March 21, 1954

. The recent landslide of the
'United Front,' in Eastern Pakistan shows
how unpopular the Muslim League has
become. The-party, which gave them
Pakistan, is completely shattered by the
people themselves. The people must
have crown impatient at the ride ot the
leaguers It appears that a thorough
disgust and hatred wns borne by the
people. They appear like birds at the
time of snowfall These birds havVgot
chaiic? to shake off their wings unbeara-
ble weight of snow falling over, their
body. The adoption of Urdu as the
State language in a place where tho
people are predominantly Bengali spea-
king must be the foremost cause of the
Leagues' downfal. American aid and
■ yiSa system have further added to the
discontent of the common but patriotic
subjects. .

The forfeiture of deposits by. so
many League Candidate* is an indication
that besides the unpopularity of the
League, the U. F. must have assured
the people ot great hopes. It these
hopes, however, remain unfulfilled, the
U. F. Government awaits tho same fate.


'XFiSijSr; wit Special Repfesentatirc)

• Parjeoling, March 1"
The jungle fire of Balson forest which
steadily ' spread to the top of Kurseong
nearly touching ■ the S D.O's liungalow
was brought -under e6iitroLhy;the prompt
intervention of the Darjeeling ;Fire
Brigade. * •


(From Our Special Representative)

Darjeeling, March !8

It is reliably learnt that a woman
along with 'iel iit-c.implice throttled her
husbana to death.

The deceased had just come out from
hospital having had met with an acci-
dent some, time hack while working on
the high tension Line. It is alleged that,
while the husband was in hospital- the
accomplice used to visit, her.

The police who came to the spot on
information took up investigation and
gent the body for post mortem to the
Victoria Hospital where it was declared
Uv the Medical ollicer that death was
caused dii" to throttling. y*

The wife of the deceased and her
accomplice, were arrested and are silica in
police custody awaiting further investiga-
tion and trial.


(From Our Special Repnsentative

Darjeeling, March !7

A meeting of the Race Sub Committee
was held. on Saturday the 13th March,
1054 at 5.0 pm ai the Gymkhana Club,

Kace horse owners, trainers A- .locktvs
were invited to attend the meeting and
report on the number of ionics Which
will be available and the general'prospects
of racing After a general discussion the
Committee came to the follow ingdecisions:

1' A further meeting of Hit ownirs,
Trainers and Jockeys would be held on
Wednesday the 3Ut March at 5.0 pm.
and if at" this meeting indications weio
that less than 35 ponies would be avai-
lalile for racii g there would be n"»further

2. Provided minimum of 35 point I
would be avail>ble, the races would com-
mence from May 1st 1954.

It is reliably undeis'ood that so far
only -3 ponies are available.'

EARLY REPAIRS PROLONG RADIO Li Ft — Darjeeling Radio Co., Darjeelirfg