Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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April 4, 1954

Ifjiinnlanan Qimtt



cials and the local public.

( From Our Correspondont ) The reception included. ,

Jana Gana Mana sung

Gangtok, March 27 by the children of Karachi

Junior High .School. He*

Sikkiin State Council Maharaj Kumar Padma came back to. Gangtok
Budget Session continued; Bibhushan Lt-Col P. T. after spending a night
to-day. The total revenue ] Kamgyal, O.B.E. of Sikkim ftt Namchi..
receipts are, estimated atj^.. and Kri J. S. Lall. I.C.S. ^
Rs. 49,33,122/. and the Dewan, Sikkim State in- * * '
expenditure 43,78,831 gi- augurated the development ,j0 meet tna cryjna
ving a closing balance of of village roads in Sikkim needs of the local , °
Rs. 54,291. The main fea- by giving a lead to the the stato authorities have
tures are (I; I here are Project by doing some opened a Police out post
no fresh taxes, however earth cutting works per- & a dispensary at Rongli,
estimated increase o. in- sonally. Kequestmg them tturteen miles from Rang-
come over the last year to inaugurate the works po on the Jelap La road,
is ruptes 4 lakhs. Ihis Sri K. R. Pradhan, Execu- The opening ceremony was
increase is accounted for tive Councillor P. \V, D. held by Maharaj Kumar
by (a) increased returns in a short speech dwelt Padma Bibhutfon Lt Colo-
of entertainment taxes (b) on the necessity of the n'e] p. x. Namgel O.B E.
the increased figures for villagers working for them- 0f Sikkim. The Maharaj
the grass contracts (c) the selves and the dignity of Kumar and the Executive
increasing! business of the labour. The Executive Councillors were given a
Sikkim State Transport ■ Councillors, Members of warm reception by the local
Service (2) Expenditure ' Pifckim State Council and people numbering more
percentage are Est25% High Officials of the State than a thousand. In'a ad-
Ph D 4 30% Edu 2.5% were also present. 'dress 6'f welcome the people
Health 2.5% of 1 he total « thanked the Maharaj Ku-
revenue rece:pts. :3) The maT anfi thfi gtate autho-
provisions for Education Dewnn. Sikkim State rities for the dispensary
and Public Health have and Sri P N. Thnpper.T.c s. and the Police out post anil
been further increased (4) Planning Officer deputed appealed for better edu-
Continucd progress is being i,v India Government and .rational, health and Corn-
made with the programros .all. Councillors of Sikkim munication facilities. The
for improvement ofeommu state .Council, discussed Maharaj Kumar and the
ideations. The P W. 1>. ^ the .genera! points frtr. the Executive Councillors ass-
allotment is in the neigh- f„'ture development of „red the people of sympa-
bourhood of 5 and a half Sikkim yesterday. thetic considerations and
lakhs (.">) Provision has * * * -uplift of the villagers with
also been made for intro- * the development of Sikkim
ducing a twentyfour hour jt has heen learnt that with the aid of the Govt,
electricity supply in Gang- Mr. P. N. Thaper I.C.S., of India to the tune of
tok in order to provide advisor to the Planning hundreds of lakhs,
for domestic and indua Commission, Govt, oflndia *
trial consumption. was accorded a warm re- * *
