Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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7iim«las»n iUm<» RtgtttKTtll No. C30J2


Bombay, April 28

Sherpa Ten/.ing Norkey
was honoured by the ' ity
of Bombay at aeiviere cep-
tion given by the Muni-
cipal Corportion.

The reception, (he big-
gest ever held by the Cor-
poration, was attended by
over 1,000 guests, who
included prominent citi-
zens, Judges of the High
Court and members of the
Consular Corps.

As Ten/.ing arrived at the
beautiful Kaniala Nehru
Park on Malabar Hill for
ihe reception he was che-
ered widely.

The Mayor'of Bombay' .
• Mr. Dahyabhai V. Pate],
presenting the civic add-
ress described Ten/.ing as
the man who helped India's
(lag fly on the world's
highest peat.

Ten/.ing s feat was a
crowning gio-y of his 30
years ^of moiinteering, the
Mayor said RJyery sport- '
loving nation would bo
proud' of his feat, he said.

Mr. Patel also paid a
tribute to. Sir Edmund
Hillary and Sir'.John Hunt,
leader of the expedition, '
but for whoso planning
and leadership he 6aid^
success could not have been


The address was pre-.

aented to Ten/.ing in« a
silver caikejt with a mini-
ature replica of Mt. live-
rest. The Everest hsro was
also presented with a pur.se
of Rs. 6,00.1.

Ten/.ing thanked the
people of Bombay for the
"great affection" shown
to hira and said he would
always remember this city
for the warmth with which
he was received. He said
he would devote the rest
of his life to encouraging
youth in th- sport of
mountain climbing.

Earlier in the evening
Ten/.ing uttfiided a chil-
dren's reception organized
by the Bombay Women's

The Everest hero round,
ed off his engagements
in Bombay by attending
•a reception given, in his
hounour by the Bombay
City Social Education
Committee at Kamagar
Maidan in the industrial
north. Over fi 001) workers
and children, waiting ex-
pectantly for the Sherpa
who was one hour late,
gavo him a greet ovation.

The gathering pr sented
Ten zing with a purse as
a. "token of love from the
working classes of Bombav.


Kalimpong, April, 29
Shrill cries for help rent
the midnight air on the
•20th April. It sounded
as if somebody had been
murdered. Scurrying feet
and a blaze of torch
lights rushed off to see
what had happned. The
blood curdling shriek* were
caused by the inmates of
a house who had spied an
intruder in the form of an
enormous reptile, . which
bad. unconcerndly, coiled
itself near a sleeping baby.
A tall punjabi gentleman
called tor calm and quiet,
then cautiously appioaeh-
ed the snake and coaxed
it into a vegetable basket.
Then picking up the bas-
ket he carried the vene
nions. parcel out of the


Pedong April 26
The Pedong Central
Co-operative Bank Limited
oeleberated Golden Jubilee
of Co-operative movement
on Monday the 19th April,
1954 in bank premises.

Inaugurating the Gol-
den Jubilee Kev. Fr. M.
Ray and Sri S. G. Dorjee
delivered short speeches.
They explained why and
how the co-operative move-
ment was introduced in
India and the important
role played by the move-
ment for the promotion
of the mass.