Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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May Hi, 1954

Kalimpong, May 16, 195A


'As was expected, Ankara has ! ejected the
Soviet allegation that the . Turco-.Pakistani pact
constituted a danger to Middle East security.
The pact of friendship between .Turkey and Pakis-
tan wtts 'signed, in April. It was an outcome of
the policy on t lid part of the Western Powers
to organise, regional defences to halt -communist
aggression. Regional pacts ha\e aroused misgivings*
and apprehensions among certain nations. Turkey, )
.ill the then circumstances, preferred to look to /
the West for her security, .she is a next door
neighbour of Kassia, a big power which has made
no secret of its territorial claims on. Turkey,
immediately alter the World War II, Moscow
revived its claims to Kars and Ardahau and
demanded . a share ^n the control of the ' Drfi'da-
. nellcs. The. Turkish Government' stood firm then
■ and refused to'he intimidated. Turkey joined,
the XATO. Th t. .was followed by the conclusion
of the ■ Balkan pact. Turkey's alignment with
Western Po-vcs has perturbed Russia. For,
Turkish landing grounds put the U. S. strategic
u'ir within a half hour \ reach by jet from the
Bhku oilfields of Russia. Ankara's forthright rejec-
tion of the Soviet note is a hint to Moscow not
.to poke its nose into Turkish affairs. The attempt
. to transform the Vugoslav-f.'reek-Tjirkish tteaty
Of friendship signed in Ankara last year, into
a military' assistance pact, is a significant move
to deter Russia from creating looal troubles. Mar-,
shal Tito, who is riot .vet certain of the Kremlin's
intention towards h'im'and his country, visited
Ankara recently. The'.talks were informal, lint
the Yugoslav Foreign Sect etaiy's announcement
that Vuguslavia and . Turkey havo agreed "in
principle" on-a three >nation Balkan military alli-
ance indicates that the talks are on the way to
tinalisatiom Greece has taken umbrage against
the fact that she bad not been asked . to join
the Ankara talks But'this is not likely.to con.
stitute a major hurdle. Russia-today is busy'
hatching plans- to drive a wedge between America
and her two principal allies, - Britain and France.


Applications are invited from suitable
Candidates to fill up tlie post of Part-
time Lecturer in Tibetan at the Datjec-
ling Government College on a fixed
total allowance of Rs. 125,- only per
month. *

Qualification essential

1. Must be a citizen of India as
defined in part II of the Constitution
of India.

2. Candidates should preferably be a
graduate with reputation as a Tibetan
Scholar and adequate teaching experience.
Those who will give evidence of sus-
tained study in Tibetan language . and
literature and evidence of literary Contri-
bution to Tibetan language will be given

Application, stating age, experience
and other particulars must bo addressed
to the Principal, Darjeeling Government
College so ps to reach his office by the
15th June, 1954.




Please Contact

Pandit Sucjama Mishra


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