Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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WITH BIHAR IQoritinufd. from page-8) (Continued from page 5)

Barb, (Patna) May 7 Ladakh's age-old rou- the office of (he Presi-

The meraberB of the tea of trade and pilgrim- dentship for six years and

Bar Association, Barh. at age with Tibet have not steered the organisation

at) extraordinary meeting been specifically designa- all these years. In May

held on April 22 demao. ted in the treaty. The 1949, he was appointed

ded amalgamation of Dar- Peking agreement defines Chief Minister of the Slate,

jeeling, Jalpaiguri, Malda, the routes to be used by This ministry was dissol-

and Dinajpur with the Indian pilgrims and tra. ved after about a month

state of Bihar These terri- H, rs, and the Ladakhis" Later on he served as a

tories at present form part feel ihat the routes speci- member of ihe pewan's

of West Bengal. (ied do not include La. Advisory Ccmmittee and

A resolution was mo- dakh's special interests in took keen interest and

ved by Sri Jagdish Naiain Tibet both for trade and contributed a lot in tlie

Singh 'and seconded l»v religious p irp.-is.-s. formation of the first

Sri Basudeo Prasad Singh. Ladakh sources say Sikkim State Council which

It reads as follows:— jts trade 'with Sinkiang waa eipcteri <» >>asis

"The members of the has not Wd ' specially of adult. Ira, chise. .bV^'-

Bar A.-sociation. Barh provide! for. They say tlyin a meeting of the

(Patnal in its meeting the British carved the Conmm

unanimously claim that Kashmir provice and sold Maha Sam,h he was elcc.

the territory of Darjeeling, it to ' an Indian Prince tp(1 Adviser to the

Jalpaiguri,' Malda. and' , with aai eye on their ttadh organisation.

Dinajpur—which i-- at- with Central Asia: and -;--

present a part of the Buddhist Ladakh, Hindu lives may discuss wilh

State of We t Bengal be Jammu and Muslim Ka>h- • the Indian Government

amalgamated with the mir Valley and Gilgit were the need for additional

State of Bihar for the meaningfully united so clauses to the April 29

following retsons. that they might Si rve the treaty to protect their

a) That t-hev are pre caravan routes to Central trade interests with Sib-

dominatingiy a Hindi-spea- Asia. Ladakh representa- kjang.__________

king area

(b) that they are con-
tiguous to Bihar, and

(c) that there Tould
be more administrative
conveniences in their
amalgamation with Bihar.
The resolution waB second-
ed by Sri Basudeo Nara-
yan Singh and passed
unanimously by the mem-
bers present.


sole acekts

K'Tilhl aiBDUMiuu mhsmm - 4, kahois sheet , csuutta-7.
Stockists for Darjeeling District:—

M S. Premsukhdas Shivdhanrai, Kalimpong

Printed &- Published by S. C. Jain for Himalayan Industrial & Tradm:
Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Works, Kaliropon-.