Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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May 23, 1954



ThiUdilot if not retpontible for vitm txptuud in (At* cotumr 84;ft. Timet


Sir; After missing the football sea-
sons of Kalimpong, my home town, for
live successive years, I thanked my
stars, when i found that I was once
again able to witness the matches this
year. " .• •• '•

With high hopes and an eager
heart, I went to- see the matches every-
day. But almost everytime I had to
come bac k with shattered hopes. Though
the contesting teams were opto the stan-
dard, some of them even above the
standard, yet the matches ended in a
gloom. Slowly I realised that the factor,
that clogged the play was the third
party, the Referee. Ofeoime, I don't
mean that all the referees are bad", but
most of them are worthless and incom-
petent They are so deplorable that
they .-poil the whole match They break
the spirits of the players as wed as of
the spectators. Their judgements are
preposterous and they do not seem to
see what they are expected to see. The
blunders they commit are so conspicuous
that they ought to be ashim d of them-
selves. The blunders they comm t are
so numerous, that to mention them
here would take the whole of this

As every enthusiast of football
knows, the referee is one of the most
vital factor to make a mutch enjoyable.
But sad to say, this vital factor is
overlooked by our football authorities

Some of the referees we have are
persons with little experience or none 1
at all. They get nervous inside the
ground, l'hey, I am sure don't know
the latest rules of the game. Even if
they know the rules, they very rarely

follow tlie.n. tinted, thay follow their
own rules .which i think vary; with
different games.

So I should like to draw the. atten-
tion of the autiioi (lies' to this point.
There are 'vat ra.i referees in our
town. Why mil - call them ba-cjr and
replace the hopelt ss • ones ?' It is high
time the anil, it ea looked into this
and bring belter'football to our other,
wise beautiful town. Yours, etc. Jaga-
dishwar .Thapa, . . i [Cong.'


Darj'e&lirigj May 15
The Government of West Bengal
have mado the following allocation • of
seats for the normal M B. B. S. Course,
Medical College, during the session lsi54-
55:' 131 general seats for candidates
sslected by the Selection Committee, 2
scholars nominated by- the Government'
of India and one each nominated by the
Government of Nepal the Govt. ofTri-
pura State and an Indian student from
abroad nominated by the (Jovt. of India.
Subject to the selection by the Selec-
tion Committee, the general seats will
be distributed among the districts of
West Bengal as follows :—Jalpaiguri 4,
Burdwan 8, Bankura '()," Birbhum 4,
Midnapore. 10, Hoogly ,9, flowrah 9,
24-l'arganas 12,. Mursnidabad 4, Nadia 4,
Mahia 3. West Oinajp.ur 3, Daijeeling 3,
Cooch fiiehar 3 Cilcutta 48, Socially and
edtibattonatly'! backward classes or sche-
duled castes- an1 scheduled .tribes 1.

If suit.,!).. ■ < ;• ;\.::dates from the'
district concerned be not available, these
seats will be allotted to suitable candi-
dates from Care t't'a."'. Refugee candidates,
who have giwvtii'T permanent address
in a district,' shall be deemed to be
belonging to -that diStri'etV

(Cdivtinuetl on page I) .'