Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Juno 20, 1954

drinking water, roads, cot-

DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE AT t»ge»nd.maiuaie ind>-

tries organised on co opt,'-

nADirCIIMr rative basis. He suggested

- IMKJExLihb that plaDg should be divi-
ded in tliree parts —

Darjeeling, June 12 (J) [hwe thing3 whi(.h

™ T, '.. „. , ir ■ • ,, .„ were of district importance

Sri Taiun Kanti Ghosh, public opinion as the timi , r i u i

on xaiuu ".aui, uuv» i r p »nd for which people were

Denutv Minister for then was too snort Upi- 7. ... 1 . r

.Deputy uiiiiioto v ^ not in a position to eontri-

Development Department, nions were taken from only such as lone roads

(Government of West Ben- certa.n individuals, certain , ' , ., P . . '

" , , .. . . . . ,, , heavy bridges and lrriea-

pal addressed a meeting groups aim technical heads. J . h b.

of officials and non.officials But f.his time the Plann- tlon ProJeots-
convened by the ^Deputy ing Commission and our ■ (2) Village schemes to
Commissioner, Darjeeling Government wanted that have village roads, tube
to discuss the formulation plans should be formulated wells, sanitation and drain-
of proposals for inclusion after taking-public opinion age In this connection
in the next Five Year from the bottom. The (it had to he seen how
Plan. First Five Year Plan was much the' people could
In a brief speech, ?ri made on all India baBis contribute in cash and
S. Dutt Ma/.umdar, t a s., a8 als0 on State baais- otherwise.
Deputy Commissioner, Plan was {3) Eaoh ^
Darjeeling introduced the ^lmated to 008* two have a plan of its own;
Deputy Minister to the thousand crores of rupees therefor ^ n unioipa.
gathering and explained °"* of wh,ch a share of .„ haye *
the ob ect of his visit to 70 crorres wa» to be spent . J , ,
Darjeeling. He said that on West Bengal State. g °™ ^..^
the district of Darjeeling This time the Five Year „f th™l &J?n„«?
had certain peculiarities ^ was to be formulated £SL&&2SS National
and the administration of on district basis. That f u T °L 9
the district was somewhat ™ a very great change |W* ™ hBTS ■ n
different from that of other from the First Five Year ^"P/%7Jn-
districts Consequently we P'™. He added that while i„ Sub/dl™!on'
have to bear in mindI the formulating the Plan aim he 8a,d nlne an<l half lacs
special needs of the peo- should be kept for the °* ruP?es, ,wo,uld ^ "P6^
p!e living in this district improvement of local ?jn,ea?\.b ook\ ■H« .said-
while formulating propo- roads, that every family National b-xtension
sals for inclusion in the was made eligible to be- »e™ice Blooks were sane-
Second Five Year Plan. come a member of at least ' ;!on?,. '° . 8t, Bengal in

T, ■ ... . ■ ono co-operative Society ™e First *'ve Year Plan-

The Deputy Minister and thJ f ? thus one fourth of the

theP Twn H °f thet gathe,rlngr devoted its time and e rural ™uld come

the two distinct aspects of BOurces f th benefit"f under the scheme. The

He6 slid th'IeTr r -n; th« communi . Priority ^""^ Commission was

v p th" l l/6t "bould be given to projects thlnkin« that the wbole

LTate^it/Taking j™* M oi rura. India wou.d com,

. in villages, provision for (Continued on pmje 10)