Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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June 20, 1954

t^ii.tnljiirnu £Timf<*


at a conference of Stat6 fleet of four, vans—a cine- types to nearly 9*35000
Ministers of Education in ma van, two mobile exbi men in the ranks. Lib-
1949 and by the end of bion vans and a mobile rarits which play an im
the year the Government stage. The Caravan is portant role in social edu-
ot India had distributed always moving from one cation liad giown'to about
nearly Ks. (iO lakhs to the spot to another in the 22,000 in 1952.:
d fierent States for exe- rural areas of Delhi. -
outing their plans „ Arao"8 the, ™.°8t. »fr

New Techninnes DunnS thb five year g6nb PCOWems facing the

new letuniqueb period ending 1953 about programme today are tho

As years went by the 50 lakh adults passed needs for adequate social
movement gathered streng- through the nearly two- education literature and
th all 0 er India and new ]akh elementary social audio-visual aids Tho
techniques were evolved education classes in the Government of India-
by each region in tho country. This excludes through the Jamis Mi.UUt
execution of its plan Only ne wo,^ done jn the has brought out a largo
some of the high-lights Armed Forces which awar- number of easy-to-rea,
can be mentioned West fad certificates of various pamphlets for adults ami
Bengal successfully deve- k ,

loped the technique of
using recreational activi-
ties such as travelling
theatres; folk dancing;
Yatras; Bhajan Mandlis
and Kit tt-.ris for imparting
instruction - Madras made
use of camps in the train-
ing of teachers and youth
leaders. Uttar Pradesh
worked out a unique ex-
periment in social educa-
tion in the form of the
Eta-vah project the basic
concepts of which were
later assimilated in the
development of Commu-
nity Projects. Mysore for-
ged ahead in the produc- The atom-poweiod train' shown in-this' artist's-: tkolch

tion ofsi cial education lite- ™ ^'ed ,iy(.'!'. ' P1»Hei3t,,Pr- ,x>'" I!' B"r3t

* 1.1 c 1 7i ? the Hniveisitv ot I tnh. Sieam for the lo ■miioiivc would

Wture and the State Adult . be obtained' fom a /small atofliic ,rea.ok>r: or boiler only
Education Council is re- > twt feet *id\ three foot high, and three f i t long (sliown

ported to be the foremost in diaura-n at top left). Yet this ■boiler would produce

publisher in the Kanada as much as the largest steam .locomotive Electricity gene-

latifuage. In Delhi edu rated by turbine would; turn tho wheals, The locomotive

„,i?„ 11 " would run for a y nr on- 11 jujunds of -uranium- and would

cationa meals were orga- dl>volop 7 000 horsepower; <ir four" times as m'ueli paper as

nised the chiel feature of a modern Diesel locomotive. It would i ost about-Sl,21.0,00.0

which was the Catavan of or about twice the cost of. a sdnraarable t'oiir-uuit .1 ie„cl

Knowledge comprising a engine. . . . ' • ,.
