Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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'Aimsrfauiin Jamie June 27, 1051

Kilitor : ' • X-RAY PLANT FOR


&lt..(tltU£5 Kalimpong, June 23

_......... Hani Chnni Dorji, wife

— , ~~ ., of late Raja is.T. Dorjee'uf

Kalimpong has donated

S. C. -JAlt?,

hi|..lM.. M.lt Ai.S; (I.OiiI

" " an X-Ray set to the local

1NDO-TI BET TRADE Charterii Hospital in lov-

-.-,„. , •'. :, '•.{ , , , ins; memory of lu-r late

(M ate l.-l-l^i.taUas know-wlMtv««»«, no -be ex- |msban<fi Arrangements

been ui « welting pot... Never ported i„ Tibet and what not l .• , , , u •

before 0.ix it! tt.ia trade the,-,. Ii.il ,„, ,s„,-l, list i3 available " * ^ 8 " ade ,10 bn"S

Was mi much ...inrertoinity' and-, till'now which • leaves lots of lie. X-ray plant here from

aiiibijjiii.itv. as tlw.v existrio-dav. ' >("'uin<_'' in tlie export control Calcutta.

^t3$n££&': Wurcn MiMr'i Mem or io I

is t o a *.-at ......troll.,! .(.ovl ,,f India f„r rssentml Cap Leaoue

by a ■ni.u.her „1' government . - ,.0,nmm,itj(,s |iVe wl,fla|.flouri#3 - 1 3

olbciala.J ,1.....r.'nt, departiiicii.t* ., debarred ,,v. „tl,,.,s i„ ,.M„„ i „n . Score Sheet up to 24 C 54

».i,b -very l,ule».u- ;n iiuu-. n„ B1(iu„-(|,i, of ■irnrtsport diuieuOV: Team* CP Pu

'.'""' "' '",ft ht"1 nTf ' This „m,-i,l !,:,„......, diBicrtty r«t Hawar If -l'

s,,,-|,-r,,.r1.,u, ,„„l,)e,,,s as.Uy ...d.^hgible ,„ whl, . » f.

.all uiiileratn.uto anil solution. ,, , ,„„, ; sn -lt ditlieulti ',,,„',;, ' ' . " ,',

T-he Po i , n Ofliter In Sikkim. - .... Vv..riri.......nod, KewMWe bporting II I:'

ili. *lrki.n -sni,. tub.....Is 11,.- " - ' " " " Kaliuipong Cub XI In II',

U.e Mkum M.ie (Ml., ,.,ls in,. ; Tor, which »o permit is-neeessary Tuwu H School • V- l- lit

Tibet 1 tnii'-er, Ihe Ijiuitl The present transport position ' S n • V I !

,„,,. 1,, the jio,,i.ei ti c k ,„,,, , ,„„,,.,t.PrK ,|,.,t for „a„I Ho,ue» Club 13 In

...s ail ;,.,,,l .seven, o hers nf enonrf. cargo thej: kave.l^,, PlU ,-,,:„„ ,.,' fl

have, all s;, ,„, say in the trade: . to reduce ramsiderably Kalimuong Club in S

traders at, one t|jn« or the other th.> rate or trininort between [iov| H School 'B' In

have I" pain through'all I.heae • Kalimpong,' Gajnglok 'and places S.U. if. 'L" U'.v .">

I.Hi,ll.-s before any ' business. jM 'pj|)p( Acni'nllv ninny mule- S. I'. ,M 'M' IS,'' 4

materialises. 'Ilnul- there been ,,,,-rs are s>tmg idfe these days. Town H. School 'B' li' 3

an unilorm policy gmdmg all , Whl)« this is the position of TC,VTil nr , ir-c-Mcc-

ll„-,. various officci-g, mailers tr»„8porl the Ooveriinient el' ItAllLt. LILtNbL

would' have been easy to handle |„dia is'reported to havii beiiii " "xumsc of powen confer-

Inn -with the . present.- arrange- .. „, VJ-8,j ,,, '....rtail the issue of red on me by the second pioviso

.neul where .,•„* .detriment ' is ^ „„ grounds t« paragraph 11 of the West

not ,1s,;, to :irsten to Hhe ■.. of,Miflic,kv of tmnsport.'This Bengal Cotton ( loth and W
ei- J(lie<. trade pofition is dini- . is reaUy. balHiiig to tiadi

Milt..' . :' . speeiallv those wh,i hnvc

Control Order. 1948. I hereby
eltend up to 31st Jnlv 19a4

Beany '.lose • »■». "»•>• , iod of validitv 0f Tei.

- -,.;,,»,I r,ree sums ,,n t',e nasis i i s ,

The recent- treaty • between '■'•v'.st,. ~!» .,.,,„.,.,„ ri r,..,m tiles Licenses issued and renewed

China and' India on Tibet has <-f "»M W ,ta o hold from ^ usid order for IMS-

(orifc l,.i-,'ratilied bv ibee„v,.r„. competent anthonties. of those licensca only; who

meiit-s eoocerned.' Traders have These oddities persist due lo ^ B|,.„ai[v |Uo.l or xyoiitd tile

'beeif*!ipeiitiiigits' early imple-' non eo-cudiiiatinn between the applications' for renewal of their

"mairtation but tilfnowiVoohe— ■ Various Ujnb» "'' ''he govern- ];,.,.„„,'..< within the 2!lth duije.

neither the' trailer; nor the ofli- 'went: and wo would suggest |U54- This notitiCHiion ihall be

eili conwrned—knows how i he • tb»t'.some steps be token to bring deemed to have taken el)', , t

manor .stands. Some officers' , . abb.it .'complete l.ari.lony in the o|) „„. w ,lu|v. ,,,-,4. ... .

lis'ue' exiiort .permits r.,r ■certain dc|iartroenta comjfrnert. nun- |( x M rK M |.:K.l KK

aflo'dSto certiin individuals while i's not. done genuine trai er,» |j| .Dir«itor of Textile &

biter, disregard 'hen, fn.l.detain will cnminne.to be ,,,difl!i..1 • ,.„,,„„„.,. n„*U

11,6 mods on W»v to Tibet. «„,1 dodcers "may .rtilp over th., ; . West Bengal;
•Traders-have/alaay- .veaWe'I t,< ■ .'I..Mile-,; line.. ■