Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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July 4, 1954

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Untouchable Communities.

DISTRICT Sri Wangdi visited the

Lamahatta Klmsinahal

Darjeeling, June 30 area and the primary

Sri T. Wangdi, Deputy large amount of money for scho0' which bad received
Minister for Tribal Wei- the uplift of the Tribal » g'ant ot Us.300/- irprn,
fare and Excise Depart- people. In addition to Inbal Wellare Depart-
ments, recently made a that State Govern. ment. 1 o the demands
tour of the " Darjeeling ments in Assam and West ma°e. b? th.e '<jcal Khaa-
district. On his way to Bengal were going to upend mahal. people, the Deputy
Darjeeling he visited the adequate amount from Minister gave a suitable
St. Alphonsus' Industrial their own revenue. He reply and assured them of
School in Kurseong where told the gathering that the Government help but
some Tribal students are the West Begal Govern- he a,so reminded them that
learning different trades ment were seriously think- the P^e.it Government
with the financial aid ine as to what would be was , a P,e°Ple,slUGovern-
granted by the Tribal the best method for uplift- m,en\ , and the people
Welfare Department He ing the Tribal population. should not look to Govern,
alflo attended the Develop- He, however, advised them me,n; alone lor all help
ment Conference held in to remain united and be but try to help themselves

Darjeeling which was ad- loyal to their Government *00- .Lat+er The v,9ltfed

, i , n, -rr .. i _____. ., Lamahatta Demonstration

dressed by larun Kanti and the country. „ , , , , ....

Ghosh, Deputy Develop- With them £ Wangdi gntre and tha 6th Mile

ment Minister. Sri S. K. visited the Training Cen- Representatives of Sik-

Hai, Deputy Labour Mi- tre for small cottage indue- g,.a £racharam- Samit of

meter was also present in tries run by the Lepcha DarjeeIi also met Jthe

the Conference Association in Kurseong Deputy Minister in Dar-

On the following day Sri where he said that the ques- jeeline

Wangdi was present in a t.on of giving free primary> The ueputy Ministeralso

reception g.yenmCultural- education _in■: Darjeeling ^fetf Kalimpong and

oum-Adult Educauon Cen- district had been taken ^ ^ non.0feoi|W am,

tre ran by the Bhotia up by the Government omoial3 and Tribal leaders.

Association. Darjeeling to and would be given eliect _ R lkl_ A

Sri Sashimeren Aier, Re- to very shortly. They also BRIDGE

gional Asst. Commissioner visited the Tashi Choling The foundations

for Scheduled Castes and , Gpnipa at Kurseong. of the now Canga Bridge at

Tribes and Sri V. Ragha- . At Darjeeling they visited Mokameh near Patna,

viah, Secretary, Bharatiya .the llama Krishna Vedan- preliminary work on which

Adimjati Sewak Sangh. ta Ashram, Gorkha Dukhii has already begun, - will

,Qri Sashimeren Aier in his Niwarak Sammelan which be deeper than perhaps

speech said that the Govt. had received grant from those ol any other bridge

«f India were fully aware the Tribal Welfare Depart. in the world. It will have

of the problems confron- mcnts for running Indus- 000-foot spans-the largest

ting the Tribal*. They trial Centres. Interviews for any railway, bridge in

were going to spend a were also granted to the India. ...