Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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July 4, 1054

Editor : , ■ \ ^ N
'8. C. JAIN, -----"..... :

Vol. 7, .^.-47V M imping ^Jvjly, 4,


Football has-a!ways provided- 'ciation/to arrange some of the
a . very healthy entertainment preliminary matches of Satal
to the people of Kalimpong- Singh Men orial' Shield Tour-'
and neighbouring v HI ages/Since nimcnt on the Home's Ground
long years football has been and let the MHi Ground dry
regularly played , in the local and'the Assoc: lion should ar-
Mela Ground and all Shades-o! range to fill up the pit holes so
people,'.young and - old have that the visiting teams in above
taken keen interest inthis-game. two tournaments "may not have

; any complain regarding the

This, year the Kalimpong ground.
Sports Association allowed' as
many as'i'4 teams to participate
iiiKaluram Mintri MemorialCup
League and 2 matches ami some
times even three w ere plav eii
daily in 'he grounds.This result-
ed into muds and pit holes here
anil there on' the ground'. We
are afraid .if this state'of affairs-
continue the money spent on the
ground will go in vain, and
Kalimpong will again lie- left


VVANTED v immediately
experienced cook for the Palace
K itchen capable of preparing
English, Chinese and Tibetan
dishes, on the snele of pay of
Rs. 1 plus subsidised

rice @ ''a-' per seer and free
quarters it available or, in lieu
thereof, IoJj£ house rent allo-
vvith-a muddy Military Camping iwancc.' The selected candidate
grrnind and a .serious .problem ■ .will lie on probat ion for one
will arise before the sjutrt" year and preference will 1
loving peuple ol Kalimpong ijiven to TChutias, I.epchas and

, • '■ ■' ' Tibetans

.The league-is over amii from . ' A; plications wTI,

yesterday the Satal Singh Memo- I
rial shield. Tournament has
started. There are nine entries
in the Tournarr'ent andthere will
he altogether 8 engagements:
Just after 1 he • final of -Sat al
Singh Memorial Shield Tourna-
ment the. Independence Day
Shield Tournament .and Sudania
Challenge Shield '!'ourn.a"-uent
will be played: In those /Tour-
naments out.stafion teams are
expected. So it will be a wise
step of the local Sports'AssOT

ret ei

ed' bv the undersigned up to
the' 2oth July, 1054

No traveling allowance or
iny olbcr expenses either fot
interview- or .for joining the
post, if appointed, will be
illowed*. 1

.- private Secretary to
His Highness the Maharaja of
Sikkim, Oar.g'nk.

Kalimpong Municipality


Sealed Tenders are
invited from registered
contractors of this Muni-
cipality for the following
works before 4 30 p.m. of
the I2th July, 1954.

Name of work:— 1. Im-
provement and Premix
Painting of remaining por-j
tion of the Market i'laee
Road in Ward V Esti

ated cost Rs 1S08/-

2 Construction of a six
seated latrine with Dump
ing Room and Septic tank
at Topkhana Ward VIII
Kstimatcd cost Rs OSS!) -

Tenders should be quot
ed at par. below or obevt
the current schedule of
rates, 1903 54 of the C W
B Deptt , Kalimpong Sub-
division, Northern Circle,
which has been adopted
by this Municipality.

Further particulars may
be obtained from the Rngi
noering Section of the
Municipality during office
hours or from the Public
Notice Boards.

The undersigned reserves
the right not to accept the
lowest tender or any' of
the tenders without assign-
ng any reason.

S. N. Roy
Kalimpong Municipality
1st July, 1954