Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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August 1, 1054



( From Our Correspondent }
Gangtck, July 28

Sri' Sonam Tshering and
Sri K. R. Pracilian, Exe-
cutive Councillors of Sik-
kim State have sent a
joint telegraphic mosBage
to the Den an, Sikkini
State, who is now in New
Delhi, expressing Bhock
by the calatnaty at Uyan-
t*e in Tibet, which town
was said to have been
swept away by a heavy
flood in the .early hours
of July 1" Though de-
tails of t e losses are
still lacking, much dama
ges are apprehended ancl
quite a number of people
are much worried over the
fate of their friends and
relatives who were at
Gyantsc. The Executive
Councillors have requested
the Dowan to convey
heart-felt sympathy to the
Political Officer in Skkim
and through him mIso to
the the public at Gyantse.
They have further offered
to render relief works if
found necessary.

3 s *

It is reliably understood
that a Seven Year Plan,
synchronising with the
remaining two years of
the first and second Five
Year Plan of the Govern-
ment of India, for the
development of Sikkim
entailing an expenditure

of over two crores of
rupees has gone to the
Government of India. Sri
B K. Kapur, the Political
Officei in Sikkim and Sri
X K. Rustomjee, the
Dowan, Sikkim State, are
now in Delhi and are said
to bo discussing the Plan
with Government of India
authorities. Keenly inte-
rested in the development
of Sikkim a9 the Prim"
Minister of India is s^id
to be. everybody hop.es
that the Plan in toto,
if not with additional
provision for better ame-
nities for the backward
people of Sikkim, will be
soon sanctioned. Mean-
while, probably to be well
prepared for. the imple-
mention of the Plan as
it will be sanctioned, ad-
vertisements in the Indian
papers for filling up posts
created for the implemer-
tion of the Plan, in Edu-
cation, Agriculture, Forest,
transport, public works
and other deparments have
been appearina every week.
It is reported that appli-
cations are pouring . in in
hundreds in all the depirt.
moots and that the autho-
rities are anxious to get
the best available men for
the development of the
tiny Himalayan State.

Sri Sonam Tshering,
Executive' Councillor In-
Inchargn Forests, Press,
Bazars, and Health and
Sri K H. Pfadb.an, Exe-
cutive Councillor recharge
Education, Public Work*,,
Transport and, Excise .ac-
companied by Rai Bahadur
Faqir Ch'and Jali,' Statu
Engineer, are jointly pro? •
ceediug on a short tour,
in North Sikkim.

* . * ♦
- Sri Chandra Das. Rai,
who was one of the minis-
ters in the twenty'" nine
days' ministry formed , i:i"
Sikkim under the Chief
Minister Late Sri Tashi,
Tshering of the Sikkim
State Cangress, has joined
Banaras Hindu University,
to study M.A. in Political'
Science. After the disso-
lution of the Ministry he
studied and passed his I.A.
& B A. from the Govt Col-
lege Darjeeling, as a State
stipendary student. Now
he is in receipt of Govt,
of India's scholarship.

Darjeeling, July 27
A meethig of the Nepali
{syllabus Sub-Committee
under the Board of Se-
condary Education, We.-t
Bengal was held at Dar-
jeeling on the 2-lJ.h -,aml'
continued on the 25th,
July, 1954 to - draw .up
syllabuses in Nepali (Com-
pulse ry) and Alternative
[Continiud on fiujt 6)