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Himalayan Times — 1954

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August 1, 1054



(Our London Correspondent)

; • London, July 2-1

I understand that du- Labour Councillor of the commercial craft ; eto
ring this Summer recess . Borough. Tho proposal to There are also interesting
of the British Parliament confer the" Freedom of St. paragaplis tiboufc overseas
then -io the possibility of Pan eras upon Mr. Menem boat builders in India ;
Sir Winston Churchill and has been carried unani- Pakistan Ceylon; NowZea-
Mr. Anthony Eden's Visit muisjy. It was sponsored find South Aftrica and
to India. Pakistan and by the Labour Councillor, Ireland
Ceylon Sir Winston's Mrs. Denninglon, and M„s<3 Sands & Co. have
visit to India with tho supported by the Censor- published an unusual book
British Foreign Secretary, vative Opposition loader, *" , '• Elizabethan Kecu-
Mr. Eden, has been su- Mr. W. T. Donovan.t If '• ' 1 yr0He 1559-1582 ' bv
ggested from many quur- and when Mt. Menon ro- pr Southern' it is an
tors During thoir visit coives tho Freedom of St. historica| an(j critical ae-
to Washington, President Pancras he will be the ^ ()f the books of the
Eisenhower and Mr. Dulles first Indian to receive. Catholic Refugees printed
discussed the possibility such honour from any an j published abroad
or the Cslofnbo powers Borough or Urban Conn- an(] .u gQor ,t prosses iu
joining t he proposed S E. til in the United Kingdom. England The publication
A TO and that the visit He will, also b^ the second i3m08t welcome during
of the the British Premier recipient of this honour. t))js 8e,.ouc| Elizabethan
and Foreign Secretary to Tho first time'tho Free- period in England! For
Colombo countries might dom of the Borough was th„ first time° a complete
bo desired. It is further . conferred upon the late an(j s0holarlv account of
rumoure d that Mm. Pun- M-. (iecrge Bernard Shaw. the pr08e Writings ' of the
dit .also discussr-d the Messrs John Trundell & Catholic refugees ' during
possibility of Sir Winston Partners hove brought cut the first half'of the fir<t
and Lady Churchill s visit the l.f)54 edition of "Ship Elizabethan period is pub-
to India together with And Boat Builder Annual lished. Dr Southern de-
Mr. Eden, but there is Review" compiled by the serves co'igrattil&tions.

no authenticity in these5 Editorial Staff of ""Ship -■-—-—

. Stories. &Boat Builder." The 1954 ■ (Continued from page 8)

I have learnt autho- edition contains manv in- Nepali for classes VI to

ritatively that St. Pancras teresting articles such as Vlil and for the School

Borough Council have the changing face of the Final Examination 19.).,

decided to confer the Navy ; the outlook and onwards I andit

Freedom of St. Pancras for the industry ; new Dharni Dbar Sharma is

on Mr. V. K Krishna Marine equipment for 1953; the Chairman of the.:Sub-

Menon. Mr. Menon was a ' the appearance of modern Committee.