Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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3i**i«g** 4im,. Refittertd No. C30J2

WANTED Forest, West Bengal". held in Calcutta on

-—-'■ Applications must be ao- October 13 and 14, 1964,

Stipendiary Studentship oompanied by the attested in the undermentoned sub-
for the I Rangers Course oopies of certificates in ject according to the pro-
at the Indian Forest Ran- support of age, examina- gramme to be made known
ger College, Dehra Dun, tion passed, citizenship of in due course :— English
1955 57 :— Applications in India, an attested copy of Essay, General knowledge,
candidates' own handwri- certificate of physical fit- Mathematics (Arithmetic,
ting will be received by ness bearing a date not Geometry and Algebra —
the Conservator-General of earlier than July 1, 1954 Matriculation standard),
Forests, West Bengal, from a Civil Surgeon in and English Dictation. No
Writers' Buildings, Cal- the form prescribed by travelling allowance will be
cutta upto September 15, article 49 of the Civil given for this, ^eleoted
1954, for the selection of Service Regulations, teBti- candidates "iuet undergo
approximately six candi- fying to the candidates' for at least eight weeks a
dates for deputation to sound hearing and general practical training in Foree-
•Ranger Course, 1955-57, physioal fitness for rough try including a physical
commencing on April 1, out-door work in the fo- test consisting of a walk
1955 at the abovemention- rest department and to over !6 miles to be co-
ed College. Candidates, ihe fact that he bears on vered in 4 hours in Nr r-
whether in Government his body, marks of sue- them Circle in West F en-
service or not, must not cessful vaccination, height gal. A monthly allowance
be less than 18 and mors not less than 5 feet 4 in- of Rs. 25 will be givendur-
than 21 years of age on ches, cheBt 31 inches, ex- ing the practical trainining.
April 1, 1955. Candidates pansion to 33 inches, must During training period at
must have passed either be specifically mentioned. the Indian Forest Colleee,
B.A. or B.Sc., I A. or I.Sc. The original copies of the Dehra Dun. a monthly
Examination of any re- certificates must be shown stipend of Rs. 75 will be
cognised Indian Universi- at the time of interview. granted. ■ Selected candi-
ty with two or more of Subject to availability of dates must execute Agre«--
tho following subjects i— qualified scheduled caste ment and Security Bond
Mathematics, Physic*, Che- candidates, one such can- prescribed by Government.
mistr,y. Botany and Zoo- didate shall be selected. They must submit the
logy, knowledge of Mathe- Sheduted" caste candidates original copy of Medical „
matios up to the Inter- must produce anattesttd Certificate of Health to
mediate standard is desi- copy of certificate in the the office of the Conser-
rable in all candidates. prescribed form from a vator-General of Forests,
Each candidate must en- Gazetted Officer or M L A. West Bengal, before their
close with his application or M L.C.. belonging to deputation. On successful
a receipted chalan for the scheduled caste. There completion of training by
Rs. 10/- (not refundable) will be a preliminary selec- obtaining h'gher standard
of a Treasury or the Re- tion by the Conservator- certificate, the students
serve Bank of India under General cf Forest, West will be appointed as Forest
the head "Forest Remit- Bengal, and selected oan- Rangers on Rb. 100 5 215-
tanoe — Receipts of the didates mu-t pass a quali- 10 225 (E, B after 12th
Conservator-Gei eral of fying examination to be stage).


Printed k Published by 8. C. Jaih for Himalayan Industrial & Trading
Corporation Ltd, at the Himalayan Printing Worka, Kalimpoos.