Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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September 2% 1954

3Sim«Jarimi (Eimr*



Darjeeling, Sept 22

Sri A. Mitra, l.C.S,
Joint Development Commi-
ssioner accompanied by
Sri S Hoy, Deputy Deve
lopmeut Commissioner and
a party of important
officials connected wit i
the Development Works
in the Mtate of West
Bengal recently toured the
three National Extension
Service Blocks in the
Sadar Subdivision of tho
Hill district of Darjeeling.
Sri K. K. Roy, I.A.S. the
Deputy Commissioner, Dar-
jeeling aid some district
officials also went w th
the party. They met
many local people at
Pokhriabong, Sukiapo-
khari, Takdah, Pulbazar
and Bijanbari and visited
schools and Adult Educa-
tion Centres and also
heard the grievances and
demands of the rural
people. Explaining 'he
wo<ka to be taken under
the National Extension
Service Scheme Sri Mitra
reminded the people that
the hour had come when
the publio and the Go-
vernment should join hand
in the great task of re-
juvenating and uplifting
the mass and in making
a new and prosperous
India. While, appreciating
some fine qualities of the
Hill people, he exhorted
the latter to give their
fullest co-operation in the


(From Our Special Rtpresentative)
Darjeeling, Sept. 2+

An appeal has been
issued by Dr. S Cha-
tterjee, Secretary T B. A.
Darjeeling and Deputy
Superintendent of the Dar-
jeeling and Dooars Medical
Associatkn, for the estab-
lishment of a B!o< d Bank
in ' Darjeeling, which is
of gre»it importance to
the people here.

A blood bank here will
save many precious lives
and will, specially, be a
gieat boon to the poorer
M'Otion of the people here-
irrespective of caste, creed
nnd colour

This apoeal has not come
'oo late and it is hoped
that all sections of the
public—poor and rich —
will open their puree
strings and contribute
generously towards this
aludable object. A life
saved by a generous con-
tribution in timet of emer-
gency .is worth any con-
tribution, big and small
and there is no doubt
that spontaneous response
will oome from all—high
and low.

scheme launched by the
Government in this dis-
trict for their welfare.

He also addressed a
conference of the heads
of different departments
in Darjeeling.


Kathmandu, Sept. 22

Nopal's Foreign Minis-,
ter, Mr. D K. Regmi
announced here that Nepal
would make another ap-
proach to the United
Nations Security Council
for her admission in

Mr Regmi said that his
Government would also
make simultaneous appro-
aches to USSR, U. r\ A.
and Britain to support
Nepal's application.

Nepal's application for
admispion in U.N.O. was
sponsored by India in li'49
but she oould not get
admission as the Soviet
Union had vetoed it.

Nepal, though not a
member of the U.N.O. is
at present a member of
the UNESCO andF.A.O.
She is also an associate
member of ECAFE.

Mr. Rfgmi, who was
presiding over the annual
function of a local library,
deplored that some ele-
ments in Nepal had made
the King a subject of
controversy. The King, he
said was the constitutio-
nal head of the State and
the Ministry appointed by
him was responsible for
failures of the adminis-
tration. It was therefore
wrong and unfair to blame
the King or make him a
subject of controversy.