Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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Eight "*tnialafi;t:t (?t.tic« October 24, J954


The Executive Engineer,
Darjeeling Division, Dar-
jeeling invites sealed ten-
ders in B. F. No 2211 (i)
from enlisted Class I & II
Contractors and combi-
nation of Class' III and
IV Contractors of W and
B lteptt. as per rules, and
from reliable outside con-
tractors for "Perminent
Restoration of damages
caused by heavy rains of
1054 in the 2?rd mile
2nd Qr. of D H.C. Road."
Tenders will be received
upto 3 p.m. of November
2. 1951. Estimated cost:-
*Rs. 40.000/- Earnest
money amounting to Fs.
800/-, duposited either in
Treasury or Reserve Bank
Challan. or Pledged Govt.
Securities on in N S. Cer-
tificates, mint accompany
each tender of'the Con-
tractors who have no fixed
deposit with Govt, in
Works & Building Deptt.
for earnest money. Attest-
ed copies of Income Tax
and -ales Tax clearance
certificates or in their
absence documents to prove
that they have submitted
their upto date accounts
to proper authorities must
be produced along - with
tenders. Outside contrac-
tors must prove their
iionafides financial resour-
ces and capabilities as
contracto 8 to the afore-
said offio?r beforehand
without which " tonder
forma .will not be sold


Kalimpong, Oct. 20

A meeting of the Exe-
cutive Committee Mem-
bers of the Tsechu Offer-
ing Association of Kalim-
pong, was held recently
at Sherpa Building. Ka-
limpong, under the presi-
dentship of Sri Tenzing
Norkay Sherpa, G.M.

Sri T. N. * herpa, Gene-
ral Secretary of the Asso-
ciation, introduced all
members to the new pre
sident, Sri Tenzing Norkay
Sherpa and offered Scarf
to him on behalf of the

The Secretary then re-
ported all the matters in
connection with the settle-
ment of Land for cons-
truction of a Temple ' of
Guru Rinpoche (Tantric
Buddhist) also known as
founder of Red Sect or
Red Hat, and a shelter
with a little flower garden
at the top of Rinkingpong,
Kalimpong for General
Public visitor for sight
seeying etc.

Sri Tenzing Norkey
Sherpa, G M. inspected the
above mentioned land on
11th inst.

to them. Particulars can
be seen in the aforesaid
office and in the office of
the Superintending Engi-
neer, Northern Circle, Jal-
paiguri during office hours
on weekdays."


Kalimpong, Oct. 15
The 3 day session of the
7th Annual Conference of
the Eastern Himalayan
Christian Youth League
ended here this morning
amidst sweet songs and
music The maiii speaker
of the Conference was
Rev. D. P. Titus, of Kan-
pur. .The Patron of the
organisation Rai Saheb
George Mahbart, Mi L. A.
also attended the Confer-
ence. Nearly 50 volun-
teers worked hard for the
welfare ot delegates who
came from Sikkim, Dar-
jeeling, Kuiseong, Siliguri,
Dooars and several other

Kalimpong, Oct. 20
The Principal, Girls'
High School, Kalimpong
informs that the to*al
collection fr tn the variety
show which was staged
on 30th & 31st August,
1954 amounted to Rs.
2,997'-., The Principal
thanks aM the donors and
wellwishers who helped to
make the show a ?ncces<».


When you visit Darjee-
ling remember that the
Park Restaurant can pro-
vide you decent accomoda-
tion and excellent Chinese,
Indian & English dishes.

Rates very moderate.
Enquire : •

The Manager, Park
Restaurant, Nehru Road,
Darjeeling. Phone : 88.