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Himalayan Times — 1954

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November 14. 1954



Gapgtok, Nov. 10
Sikkim's experiment
with democracy ie working
out very successfully said
Mr. Kashi Raj Pradhan,
a councillor of 8ikkim
State and Leader of the
Sikkim State Congress
when he reviewed the
State's progress on the
occassion of the 61st bir-
thday of His Highness the
Maharaja of Sikkim recent-

The first Advisory
Council, consisting of 12
elected members six each
from the Sikkim State
Congress and the National
Party has carried on the
administration smoothly
since its inception on
August 7, 1953, Mr. Pra-
dhan said.

The annual revenue
of the State whioh was
only about Ks. 5 lakhs
ten years ago has now
risen to Ks. 40 lakhs
mainly on account of
nationalisation of goods
traffic between Sikkim ar,d

New development
schemes are now being
launched by the Sikkim
Government in co-opera-
tion with the Government
of India. A subsidy of
Hs. 20 crores has been
granted by the latter to
help finance a Seven-Year
Development Programme
of the Government of


Included in this pro-
gramme is the building
of a 14 mile long ropeway
connecting Gangtok with
the Tibetan border at a
cost of Rs. 29 lakhs. Not
only will this ropeway
considerably eh rten the
existing mule caravan
route which is 27 miles
long and very difficult to
negotiate, but it will a so
become an important
source of revenue by hel-
ping to increase the vo-
lume of trade between
India and Tibet.

Communications are
being expended wilh a
view to bringing new
areas under habitation.
At present only one-third
of the total State area
(2 818 eq . miles) is popu-

In the field of agri-
culture mechanisation is
beine introduced and a
number of tractors are
now on trial «*prv'ce in
the State Trrigntinn
mostly by water drnwn
from the mountain streams,
is being intror?uo-d on a
country wide basis.

In the mptter of social
welfare the Sikkim Govern
ment have opened 51 social
education centres, and a
number of now hospitals
are also being opened.
Schools are being nationa-
lised and already the
Government have taken
over a few schools.


Sonada, Nov. 10
An inter-caste marriage
was celebrated with due
eclat at "The Brook-Man-
sion", Sonada, on Saturday
when Sri Salilendu Mazum-
der. a Barendra Brahmin of
Shapur, Pabns, was ma-
rried to Miss Sucheta Devi,
daughter of tri Sachiudia
Lai Ohowdhury, m a. b (..,
Kurseong, belonging to
the highly respectable
Kayastba Zamindar family
of Patuli.

The marriage was per-
formed striotly under the
Hindu Shastina.

The relati ns of both
the part.es »-nd the elite
of the locality attended
the ctremony.

New Delhi, .Nov 10

All wireless broadcast
receiver 1 cencea issued for
the yeBr 1954 will expire
on December 31. For re-
uewal of licences f< r the
year 1955, a period of 14
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For the convenience
,of the public, arrange-
ment* have been made to
renew licences for the
next year in advance at
any head or .sub Post
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