Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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'ifjiwalaijan O^tmt*

November 14, 1954

army's contribution to
Editor: ] ^^S^fc<\__ flood victims

R.A ., Uip.Kd., M.E i 8. (Load ) £ ^.Wfggflfrr

According to a Press

Vol. 8, TMo. 14 Mimpan* JMoN/amker-, 14, 19S4 Sote^rom F°.r' V7Hliam-
'_ ' ^ 7__ Mrs. Chopra, wife of Major-

practical training at


General M. S. Chopra, pre-

. . . CALL OF MOUNTAINS sident of the Army Wel-
fare Committee, presented

The opening of the Hima- rally-and shared the perils a cheque for Rs. 21,000

layan Mountaineering Ins- of the treacherous heights. at a simple function at

titute at Oarjeeling by Mr. By a strange irony it Raj Bhavan on Nov. 2

Nehru might not form was one of them who achie- to the Prime Minister lor

part of any development ved the supreme glory of the welfare of the families

scheme or national plan. conquering the Everest in of soldiers who loBt their

But few other projeots company with Sir Edmund lives in the Gyantse floods,

have been hailed with Hillary, and overnight be- The money was contribu-

greater satisfaction and came a national inspiration ted by Army units and

enthusiasm than India's and legend. local -ivilians

first .school for climbers To that historic triumph

' For sev-iral. years now of Mr. Tenzing ^igay

almost e.ery leading coun- must go the main credit

fry, in the world has been of the foundation of the Darjeeling, Nov. 10

sending an expedition to OarjeeKng school, and it The 19 trainees, on com-

cbnquer. some peak or the is in the appropriateness pletion of one week's

other of the . Himalayas. of things tba-t is intimately theoretical training in the

The only exception is India associated with it. mountaineering Institutu

herself, which is sheltered Tne Himalayan Moup- here, will leave tomorrow

and guarded by them. taineering Institute will for the base of Kinehin-

We have yet to launch a naturally benefit by this jungha, where they will
major expedition to 'try heritage and may even receive practical instruc-
ts intrepidity and wits add to it The Sherpas'. tion in rock, ice and snow
against the king of moun- native skill will achieve climbing,
tains. Very few of our wonders when helped by Tenzing Major Jayal
young me . try to scale modern equipment. and gjx <ghp ft jde jnB.
even its lesser peaks. The institute will train tructors will accompany

No' foreign expedition our young men in leader- them,

would have entertained ship, in team-work, jn

the last chance of success, selfless comradeship and in ■" Dr. Charles Evans, it
however, had it not been skilful overcoming of natu- 18 reliably understood is
so loyally helped by the ral difficulties and human to lead an eight-man Brir
humble Sherpa porters. short comings. For moun- tish expedition to Kin-
It is those hardy ohildren taiDeering is the sum of chinjunga next summer.

of ' the hills who have all these, and in standing -■-

borne the main burdens atop the bleak and lonely anew the supermacy of

of the expediMons — lite- summits, man proclaims the human sprit.